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Our Radios Have Greate Commands!

When you go in the command mode (+++)  or (WMX command) then the command Executes.

When the modem is in the command mode, the front LED will blink on and off, once per second.

The Data Sheet for all Products show Commands. Data Sheets are in this Data Sheet Website.

The User Manual for the product shows ALL COMMANDS to use for the product.   Rad the User Manual of the Product you use.

Here is a list of Commands, to show people Popular Commands we have created in all Radios.

There are many technologies that need to be incorporated together to make a complete end-to-end IoT solution.  Raveon utilizes all of these technologies.


Then enter the proper ATDT command, a space, the parameter, and then a carriage return.
Once a Parameter is changed, the modem will begin using the new parameter and the new parameter is saved to non-volatile
The ATDT is normally setup the Radio Product as 1234.  You can change the AT command.


ATBD   us Baud Rate   Sets serial com port baud rate (bps).
Type the range index (0-7) or the actual desired baud rate.

Range: 0 – 7

0 = 1200     5= 38400    1 = 2400     6=57600

2 = 4800     7=115200    3 = 9600   4 = 19200


Sets the IF Bandwidth to narrow (N) or wide (W).
Narrow is for 12.5kHz channels, wide is for 25 or 30kHz spaced channels.
S is 6.25kHz band channels


Data Encryption. 0:disable.  1:AES128 GPS messages  2:AES128 Data and GPS messages.
Encryption helps keeping the Data very Safe so no one else can read the data.

You can read the data when you ATEN Encrypt it, so no one else can read it.


Listen Address – Configures the listen address for this unit.
The unit will Receive data if this listen address matches the destination address in a data transmission.
We have radios with Listed Address, that receive and transmit based on Address.


Unit Address – Configures the individual address for this Radio unit.
Note: FF is interpreted as a group. See Unit addressing section.
1234 is normal default, and you can setup the Unit Address for this Radio.


Address Mask – Configures local and global address space.
Each digit is FM.   In most applications, this is kept at FFFF.
Users love to setup FF00, so they can receive correct Addresses.
Or Receive 500 other addresses, they can then Receive.


RF Power Output.  Set or show the RF power output setting.
Value is from 0% to 100%.  Use and RF wattmeter to confirm the power setting.
Or Adjust the % accordingly to desired RF Ouput Power Level.


Set the Transmit Frequency.   VHF / UHF or whatever Band is your Radio.
Program the transmit frequency for this channel. Enter in Hz or in MHz.
The frequency will automatically be saved for this current number you setup.


Channel Number Select current radio channel number.
This command does not store the channel number.
It changes the radio to the Channel you want to use now.


Channel Number   U Select current radio channel number.
The channel number is stored in EEPROM memory.
You can change your Channel, and it will stay in this Channel. 1-6


Enable/Disable the LEDs.
Save DC power to turn-off LEDs in the Radio.
1 = LEDs always off.    0 = LED operate normally.


Modem Protocol variations.  0=standard.
Some custom versions are created for OEM customer radios.
This command can be used if You need simple custom changes.


Read product temperature – Read the internal temperature of the unit’s circuit board in degrees Celsius.
In the Radio with a CPU, it monitors local Temperature, so we can see it now.


To run the SHOW command it will have the radio, Show.

It will show a large list of data to show all command settings.
Frequency, Channels, Bands, and hundreds of features.


Over-The-Air Bit Rate.   This is the data rate the radio uses to send data over the air.
All RF modems in the network must use the same over-the-air baud rate.
Refer to section, 800,1200,2400,4800,9600,19200    2L or 4L is changed.

GPS Commands and Great Features.

The GPS Data Radios can Many Commands.  Read the GPS Radio User Manaul that shows all GPS commands.

Raveon created great Radio features. Here is a link to a list of Great Features.


OEM modems for Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEM).

OEM modems can be used in your IoT devices to wirelessly connect them many miles away.

All Raveon OEM radio modem modules have all the same features as our Radio Modems.

Miniature OEM modules are design with a AN224(UWORC)so you can connect any model into your device.

Build these into your sensor/meter/valve/controller/ or whatever, and you can easily communicate over many miles.

Use our data radio modems as your base station, and connect the base to your network our connect it to an IoT Gateway to route the data to and from the remote device.

Industrial IoT Wireless RS232 Modem

The RV-M22 has a myriad of IO options to wirelessly connect to your Network, or Cloud.

RS-232 serial port is the popular interface.  USB, RS-485, RS-232, GPIO, and FIO are available also.

Secure Connections.  AES Encryption, built-in option, can be used to block others from accessing it.

The RV-M55-E Radio is Logn-Range Wireless with TCP Ethernet interface.  IoT works Great in M55.
TCP/IP Protocol is used with multiple ports to link to the data radio inside the RV-M55-E.

SCADA Industry Radio Commands.

Use Commands to Configure a RAZN to do any of these Feature Things you want.

RAZN  Remote Autonomous Cone Node.    RAZN is a compact, cost-effective package with many IO options and many different version.
Locally and remotely monitor sensors, buttons, switches, and locally link or remotely control what you want.  RAZN  Remote Autonomous Cone Node.

Use the TBIT command to temporarily turn on an output. The MMBIT command can set any of the outputs on states to limited times on the way user wants them to be limited to momentary states.
And you can send a command to the RAZN to communicate with the Data Radio inside the RAZN.  or send command to the RAZN itself.
The user interfaces to the RAZN, such as TCP/IP, RS-485, RS-232, USB, and over the air commands, are configured by the Command interface.

Using these registers in SCADA commands or TOAA actions with great TOAA features and commands.
TOAA Events are setup with three parameters (Timer, Operation, and Action).

The RAZN can be setup with a variety of TOAA events.  Every TOAA even has at least 3 parameters specified.

Parameter 1 is the Timer.  Parameter 2 is the Operation, Parameter 3 is the Action.  Any additional parameters are additional Actions.
Setup your TOAA events. You can setup at least 10 TOAA events in the RAZN.   The TOAA command structure is:
TOAA  X TN ON AN AN      X = Designate a unique ID TN: is the Timer    ON:is the Operation  AN:is the Action number Designator Code

We Created Great Commands


Raveon has great Engineers to update radios and make them Great with many Features.

Many customers asked Raveon to add a new feature that we did not have, and then Engineers quickly creat Great Features.


Raveon’s Production team produces our great radios very reliable. Seal orders tell Production which Features to turn on.

Production then test and calibrates the Features that any customer wants.  And Production also tests and calibrates normal Data Radio features.

Custom Commands RAVEON Created.

Raveon Created Many Extra Commands for Customers.

Many customers asked us to create a new command for the customer to setup new features.

OEM radios get prefect commands for new customers.  If you ever need a new feature, we can add it to the Radio the way you want.

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