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RAVEON Makes Data Radio in America.

Raveon Makes VHF, UHF, ISM bands and many MURS Band Data RadiosVHF MURS into.

Multi-Use Radio Service(MURS)

Data Radios Multi-use service (MURS) we created a radio service allowing for licensed by rule operation in a narrow selection of the VHF band.
A power limit of 2 watts. The FCC formally defines MURS as “a private, two-way, short-distance voice or data communications service for personal or business activities of the general public.

Our SCADA products with IO features can also use MURS.  Here is the list of MURS Data Radios we made reliable:
MURS Band Data Radios VHF and OEM radios are here:  VHF MURS into.

MURS stations may not be connected to the public telephone network, radio repeaters are not permitted.
The highest point of any MURS antenna must not be more than 60 feet above the ground or 20 feet above the highest point of the structure on which it is mounted.

We consider using a MURS frequency during a fire Emergency when Power is Out.

The Multi-Use Radio Service (MURS) uses radio channels in the 151 – 154 MHz .
The most common use of MURS channels is for short-distance, with two-way communications in small radios.

The MURS band consists of 5 MURS frequencies. These were previously part of the Business Band, known formally as LMR (Land Mobile Radio service)

RV-M21  Data Radio with Flexible IOs.

Raveon has created Tech Series Data Radios for reliable wireless solution.
It has a MYRIAD of IO options.  many different Front Pannel features!

License-free radio for more users

The RV-M21 is a great low-cost Data Radio.

Small and Portable Data Radio

There are many IO options for Data Radio Communications.
RS-232, USB, RS485, RS422, GPIO, FIO.
(General Purpose IO) GPIO terminal can Control relays, lights, pumps, valves, or whatever.
GPIO can also monitor sensors with voltage or 4-20mA.

OEM Data Radio is RV-M8 in MURS Band Options

Raveon has created many data radios for reliable wireless solution.

The RV-M8 Can be Setup to MURS band.

This is an OEM module available from RAVEON for your Products and Systems.

This has a 20-Pin interface to connect to Your Product.

M8 can send Modbus messages and work with SCADA systems.

Our smart modems handle all aspects of data communications, so the interface to your product is easy.

Our UWORC 20 pin Interface for OEMs is:   AN224(UWORC)  Universal Wireless OEM Radio Connector.
UWORC is Great Reliable Interface for your products!

Miniature OEM Radio is RV-M6 in MURS Band Options

Raveon has created many data radios for reliable wireless solution.

The RV-M6 Can be Setup to MURS band.

This is an OEM module available from RAVEON for your Products and Systems.

This has a 20-Pin interface to connect to Your Product.

M6 can send Modbus messages and work with SCADA systems.

This has the same UWORC interface AN224(UWORC)   The same as the M8 and M6 for your products with this radio.

RV-M22   Miniature Data Radio with Flexible IOs That is Small

  The M22 used our M6 miniature OEM radio, low-power and small.

The M6 is certified for the MURS bad in FCC.  It used our Tech Series Enclosure with the Myriad of IO Options.

It has been used by Military and Many Business products customers need.

It is a Long Range radio, 5-10 miles.

It has an emergency button a person can use.

There are many IO options for Data Radio Communications.

The rates of Message Transmit are configurable.

There are some limitations to MURS: radio power is limited to 2 watts.

The Data Sheet for all Products are in this Data Sheet Website.

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