Raveon has UHF data radios in these bands:
A) 403-433 MHz
B) 419-440 MHz
C) 450-480 MHz
D) 480-512 MHz
F) 410-470 MHz
J) 380-400 MHz
M21 UHF Data Radio Products
Tech Series Modular Radios
Raveon’s Tech Series radios modems allow for more control over the system and our products. Tech Series is a modular radio that allows you to change out the front I/O panel to the connections you want. It also has a new, more rugged, power connector and making it even more rugged than previous models.
More Info… The Tech Series radios have a Myriad of IO options: USB, RS-232, RS-422, RS-485, GPIO, FIO,…
These use the RV-M8 module in them, with 1-5 watts RF output power.
This are compatible to communicate with Raveon’s M7 or M6 data radios.
RV-M22 Tech Series Miniature Data Radio
Raveon’s RV-M22 Tech Series radio modems are miniature industrial-grade, high-speed, data radios designed for telemetry, SCADA, AVL, wireless data, mobile-data and remote control applications.
Designed by Raveon, and built in America, for long-range reliable communication using high-performance M6 UHF data transceiver.
In the UHF band, they can output 1/2 to 2watts RF power output when transmitting.
You can choose over the Air Data Radio from 600 baud to 19,200 baud These are OTA compatible with Raveon’s M7 and M8 modems.
M7 UHF Data Radio Products
RV-M7-U Data Radio Modems
Ultra High Frequencies (UHF) have been used for voice and data radio communications since the middle of the last century. Bands within the frequency range of 400-500MHz are used throughout the world for reliable communications. Raveon has wide-channel (25kHz) and narrow-channel (12.5kHz) versions. The RV-M7 data radio modem can be setup for 1- 5 watts for RF output. It has built in modem, security, ID cods, and 100+ features. And lost cost.
In the USA, and in many other countries, the 450-512 MHz range is used for commercial wireless communications.
OEM Data Radio Modem Modules for UHF Narrow Band Communication
M6 Daisy Radio modem
The RV-M6S UHF data radio modem is designed for OEM applications.
It has 2 watts of RF output, and versatile digital interface makes it easy to integrate into your product. It can communicate with Raveon’s M7, M8 and ATLAS data radio modems.
Raveon has many OEM radio modem options.
It has many features such as GPS tracking option, WMX messaging, multi-channels, Store-Forward repeating, and AES encryption can be enabled. DC input range is 8-30V DC. The RV-M6G is the GPS tracking version.
M8 OEM Data Radio Modem
The M8S UHF data radio modem is designed for OEM applications where an embedded long range data radio is required. Its small size, lower power consumption, 2 watts of RF output, and versatile digital interface makes it easy to integrate into your product. It can communicate with Raveon’s M7 and ATLAS series data radio modems, and it can also receive
UHF Radio Frequencies
The two major data radio modem bands used worldwide are the Very High Frequency (VHF) band and the Ultra High Frequency (UHF) band. Raveon provides data radio modems in both bands.
There is no one best band. VHF and UHF each have advantages and disadvantages to them. UHF has a shorter wave length, so the antennas are more compact and less obtrusive. VHF antenna are typically larger than UHF, but in many instances, the communication range will be greater with a VHF system. Raveon’s CE compliant UHF modem for use in the EU, is compatible with all other RV-M7 series modems.
In open areas, most users will find that VHF data radios communicate further then UHF data radios. But in heavily wooded areas, or rough terrain, UHF data radios may work better. UHF signals penetrate foliage better, and will reflect off of rock and other obstructions quite well. UHF will also work indoors a little better than VHF and it penetrates buildings better.
For more details about Raveon’s UHF data radio products, click on the Products link above or see our radio and data modems solutions.
The Data Sheet for all Products are in this Data Sheet Website.
We Created many Water Proof Data Radio in UHF or eve in VHF, or License Free.
The Waterproof Data Radios are shown in this Website.,
These Waterproof radios have been manufactured, tested, and setup for customers.
All of our radios can be UHF, VHF, 220MHz, or 900MHz License-Free.
This is a list of many of the features in Raveon’s data radio modems:
Application note AN125 M7 Competitive Features describes the features in Raveon’s RV-M7 modems.
- Backed by a 2-year warranty.
- A variety of frequency bands.
- Small and highly integrated, making it the most economical modem on the market.
- Outstanding receiver sensitivity, and with their programmable data rates, the user may select long-range and slower data or faster-data at reduced sensitivity.
- Dual-Mode. Unique to the M7, it operates in either a Streaming or Packetized modes.
- Flexible I/O The M7 has more I/O options than any other radio modem.
- Integrated Repeater. in Every Unit All M7 modems have integrated store-and-forward repeater capabilities in them.
- 16-bit Modem Addresses The M7 modems in a system may be configured with a 16-bit address and network mask.
- Reliable Data Raveon’s M7 incorporates 16-bit CRCs, and reverse error correction, so that all data that comes out of an M7 is 100% perfect.
- Common Port Similar to all telco/Hayes type modems with the AT command set, the M7 uses a common serial port for operation, configuration, and diagnostics.
- Remote Ping The M7 supports a variety of remote diagnostics, including a remote “Ping” command.
- Auto-Status Reporting An M7 may be configured to automatically and periodically report its status over-the-air.
- TDMA Option Al M7 modems have the option of being ordered with a unique TDMA (Time Division Multiple Access) feature. TDMA orchestrates the transmissions of an entire field of M7 modems to ensure that no two transmissions occur at the same time.
- WMX Communications The Wireless Messaging Exchange protocol is an option to communicate with the radio and send data over the air. WMX features include specifying radio IDs, issuing commands, sending data, and monitoring RSSI.