Wireless SCADA long-range RTU Remote Terminal Unit created by Raveon to make RTUs long-range, low-cost, and a myriad of Autonomous IO featured.
Raveon’s Remote Autonomous Zone Node (RAZN) is a compact, cost-effective package with many IO options and many different version. Locally and remotely monitor sensors, buttons, switches, and locally link or remotely control what you want.
This links SCADA to your PCs, network or Cloud servers, and will also Autonomously do want you want it to do to keep your system safe. This RTU does remote IO data acquisition, with a myriad of IO interface options, can monitor the Sensors to Monitor and also control anything. MODBUS protocol can be used to read and control the IO terminals on the RAZN, as a Modbus RTU. Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) solution with the RAZN.
RAVEON is a Customer Focused Company
RAZN Interfaces are available: “Wireless long range”, “Ethernet Connector”, “RS485 serial Port” or we can add other I/O interfaces if you need!
These RAZN devices has ultra long-range wireless link features using Raveon’s data radio modems inside them, and these RAZN RTUs can also use wires, and Ethernet communications.
All RAZNs can have Wireless long-range radios in them and all do have RS-485. Very LOW-COST!
The RV-M55 versions do have an Ethernet interface. The RV-M54 versions are the same but lower cost with no Ethernet interface. Choose M55 or M54 part numbers.
Wireless long-range Remote Autonomous Zone Node (RAZN) is for smart SCADA and Telemetry nodes with general purpose control capability in a compact, cost-effective package.
Our RAZN can switch on/off 8 AC and DC power outputs, and convert up to four analog devices, 8 digital inputs, and 2 switch inputs. The RAZN also uses MODBUS to monitor, control, and record things over many miles.
Complete Turn Key Solutions sold in pairs and multiple RAZNs. They are factory preset kits. Go Wireless, or use Ethernet, or RS-422.
The RAZN has a wireless option so you retain portability, and don’t need to spring for the cost of cabling.
A pair of RAZNs can do what you want them to do Autonomously in a remote area over many miles using wireless links.
The RAZN products can help cities and states prepare for extreme weather disasters.
Our Wireless transceivers come in many different variations. The low-cost miniature transceiver fits inside and there are larger more robust versions for heavy duty use.
This stable wireless controllers will keep you run day-in and day-out. These RAZNs do wireless SCADA in very low-cost modes with a Myriad of IO features. And a RAZN can also communicate with ethernet TCP/IP or RS-485 serial ports.
The way it Remotely, and Autonomously, works happens beyond your expectations!
Reduce your system cost by using Remote Autonomous Zone Nodes with Wireless modems built in. RAZN System Architecture is very flexible, in many ways.
It make systems extra safe, the RAZN has many Autonomous features to keep remote interfaces safe.
Many traditional SCADA RTUs cannot be safe or be Autonomous. Raveon created this RAZN to be the best in the world.
RAVEON Engineering created hundreds of new features as super safe features for SCADA to use this super great. It shows down here…
RAZN’s Autonomous Wireless Man-Machine interface helps promote social distancing while connecting to the Internet of Things.
The Myriad of IO features the RAZN technology has, is shown on the RAZN IO Terminal Versions web page. Many different IO features!
Application Note: AN258(RAZN_IOs) (pdf) explains the Myriad of IO features the RAZN devices have.
The RAZN accepts TC, RTD, mA, mV, V, Frequency and Pulse. This reduces the number of instruments required for the application and reduces costs and keeping things simple for troubleshooting and maintenance.
Each RAZN version is preset with all features. Use them as they are, in great ways. If you want, you can Programming a RAZN with hundreds of other features.
You can have Raveon’s customer support team preset any features you want.
In SCADA Systems, the RAZN can be a SCADA RTU device and it can also run autonomously if the connection to a master controller or PLC does not work.
This RTU links wirelessly over many miles, and its Autonomous features can save your system and make it easier to monitor and control.
Everything you are looking for to remotely control: Lights, Joysticks, 2 step push-buttons, paddles, LEDs, display screens, timers, security measures…
We design, manufacture and market industrial Radio Control Systems. We want to team-up with a great SCADA company like you, and Engineering can updated the way you want changes.
The technology within this product is extremely innovative and Confidential, contact Raveon to learn more. RAZN Systems can be setup in many different ways, just like you would like.
Save Boats, Farms, Greenhouses, Woods, and Forests by monitoring Environment in remote zones and remotely controlling everything to save them, and Autonomously save them also.
8 Switched AC and DC power connections and Flexible IOs. Many different IO options version available.
How to do wireless SCADA? This is the solution.
SCADA links use Wires (Ethernet, RS485, USB) or use Wireless (ISM, LoRa, UHF, VHF) with Industrial data communications (MODBUS).
The RAZN can do Wired SCADA or Wireless SCADA, with a myriad of IO options in many different RAZN versions available now.
Isolated switched power outputs and reverse power protected. Isolated solenoid drivers in many RAZNs. And isolated analog and digital IOs in the RV-N55-5 version.
Its Autonomous operation makes it work great over time as needed, without the need to connect to the internet or other networks. Remote Monitoring with your servers, and devices on your network, is easy with this RAZN.
For safety, the Autonomous Operation features can save so much if the network were to fail, a computer fails, or communication cables broke. Your system can work great with RAZNs, and Autonomous Operations reduces work, time, and cost.
A myriad of terminal IO pin options : Digital, Switching AC or DC Power, Voltage monitor, 4-20mA sensors, Current, buttons, GPIOs… managed by the smart ARM CPU. Click here to see the list of terminal IO pin options
The RAZN is a Remote Terminal Unit (RTU) used to monitor and control a variety of devices and systems. An RTU is similar to a programmable logic circuit (PLC) but has more in-depth functionality. A key component of a the RAZN is the ability to send and receive real-time data.
Similar but Not the Same.
This section shows RAZN version for use in the field of SCADA and industrial automation. The terms in SCADA, remote terminal unit (RTU) , programmable logic controller (PLC), distributed control system (DCS) are smart instruments.
These Remote Autonomous Zone Nodes shown here are new high-technology RTUs with additional PLCs and DCS features built into it to Autonomously help run help your system.
Trends in manufacturing at Raveon are for innovation on the factory floor. Our Engineering can re-design RAZN versions for your system.
4-20mA transmitter – basic
There are several devices which convert mechanical quantities into electrical quantities. The mechanical magnitudes are converted into many varied forms, or electrical magnitudes:
Voltage Signals, Current signs, Resistivity Measures, Power Signals. The RV-N55-7 has 4-20mA high resolution sensor monitoring inputs, to transmit the sensor information.
The RAZN sends information, and can sore sensors and events in its large Data Log EEPROM memory. You can read the data log lo0cally or remotely.
IO Options in All RAZN Versions. RV-M55-RX-VBB
The R is the RAZN Version number 3,5,7,9, and many others have been created.
The X is the RAZN IO feature list REV CODE.
A is only the A terminal. B is only the B terminal. C is both terminals A and B in the RAZN.
Custom versions are specified in the X version from D-Z.
VBB is the Data Radio version inside the RAZN is you want a radio.
Below Is the List of ALL the RAZN Devices. RV-M54 RV-M55
The RAZN part number starts with RV-N55 All N55 version have Ethernet interface connectors.
To save power and lower cost, there are version RV-N54 that do not have Ethernet interfaces. To order, choose N54 or N55.
To add Data Radio option into the RAZN Device, add -VBB to the part number to specify V( Modem Version. 5, 6, 8 ) (BB( band code VA,VB,VC,UA,UB,UC,ED,EC)
Raven’s RV-M55-E Ethernet Interface Data Radio can communicate with any RAZN device.
All RAZNs can send text messages at times and rates you want that describe the IO status, location, time, and any other phrases you want.
Automated Peripheral Control N55-3
For Light, Irrigation valves, pumps, doors, or anything!
The RV-N55-3 controller has binary inputs that lets you control things miles away.
The RAZN’s internal timer and Real Time Clock can turn things on/off when you want it to.
Watering the lawn and garden is a RAZN chore and remotely control it with this long-range wireless capability.
This budget-priced RAZN is a top pick in this category for unlimited irrigating zones.
8 zones per RAZN is easy, and dozens or hundreds of zones in your system are also easy to setup with this wireless linked RAZN.
This is the best smart sprinkler controller for remote areas long ways away from the play you want to manually control and/or monitor also.
The Programmable Logic Control (PLC) feature is a flexible and easy way to remotely control peripherals using the RAZN.
The Wireless SCADA features can be RTU mode or PLC mode on all the RAZNs. Use them as you want.
SCADA and Telemetry N55-7
The N55-7 RAZN to Monitor Sensors and Control things. Ultra high resolution monitoring.
The RV-N55-7 ultra high resolution SCADA RTU can measure and control remotely or local.
N55-7 RAZN is RTUs and PLCs and reliable, secure, and safe.
Monitor sensors (Voltage, current, 4-20mA, pressure, water flow, buttons, GPIO,…) and by monitoring you can:
- Many GIOP terminal features and the analog sensors is high resolution (24 bit).
- RAZNs can do Wireless SCADA the way you need to remotely monitor and control IOs.
- For Autonomous safety, set Timer Operations Actions and Alerts (TOAA) to take place.
- Thresholds can trigger messages, text, or control local things based on: sensor inputs, timers, buttons, or any input feature.
- RAZN can automatically send SCADA messages to other RTUs or RAZNs to remotely control them.
- N55-7 terminals have differential analog inputs, Flexible digital IOs, and a Relay driver.
Isolated IOs and Solenoid Drivers N55-5
The RV-N55-5 has a many isolated IOs and 4 solenoid drivers.
2 Analog Inputs, 2 fully isolated digital inputs, 3 digital IOs isolated.
All IO features on this are fully isolated inputs or outputs.
Read and monitor digital inputs and analog inputs to monitor 4-20mA sensors.
The 4 solenoid drivers are pulsed 2-pin drivers using input voltage or a charged capacitor.
The 2 analog inputs are fully isolated, and can measure voltage, current, or 4-20mA sensors.
Current sensors monitor the solenoids to make sure they work, and can alert solenoid problems
such as (no connection) or (over-current drawing).
Temperature Sensor Monitoring N55-7 and N55-3
The RV-N55-7 RAZN can monitor temperature sensors in a remote area, and wirelessly send the temperature to where you want it.
Autonomously, the N55-7 RAZN can be setup to Monitor Sensors, Yje N55-3 can flash lights or control valves.
The N55-7 can send data to the N55-3 to control up to 8 switched voltage outputs .
N55-7 Controls remote Switch Voltage SV outputs on a N55-3 based on a local sensor on the RV-N55-7.
RAZN RTUs and PLCs are reliable, secure, and safe.
Monitors sensors (Thermocouple Sensors, current, 4-20mA, pressure, water flow, buttons, GPIO,…) and by monitoring you can:
- Thermocouple Sensors are common temperature sensors used in a many commercial and industrial applications.
- The RV-N55-7 has an Ethernet output to send the temperature to a network, or to a display with a GUI.
- Query the RAZN via MODBUS commands to read this information with your master controller.
Many Custom RTUs
Raveon’s engineering is happy to make custom Remote Terminal Unit RTU versions of the RAZN with whatever Input or output features you would like.
Integrating Autonomous operation saves time, effort, and system risks.
There is a variety of Autonomous operations it does do, and we would love to add any other operation that you would like to make your system reliable, safer, easier to use, or lower cost.
The Programmable Logic Control (PLC) feature is a flexible and easy way to remotely control peripherals using the RAZN.
Gas Detection and Save Explosions
The RAZN has Autonomous Operation to Monitor Sensors, Control things, And Alert People.
Sensors can detects ammonia gas leaks, as low as 10 ppm, for notifications, and keeping your plant/mine/boat/ship/vehicle/city/… safe.
Monitor sensors (Voltage, current, 4-20mA, pressure, water flow, buttons ) remotely with this long-range wireless technology.
By monitoring you can:
- Query the RAZN via MODBUS, or commands, to read sensors with your master controller.
- Long-range wireless data radios link the RAZN to monitor Sensors to Monitor remotely.
- Sensor thresholds can trigger messages, text, or control local things to stop and explosion based on: sensor inputs, GPIOs, and many input features.
- Use RAZNs to just do what you want them to do autonomously in a remote areas., and remotely monitor them.
- Your system can alert and prevent explosions by monitoring sensors on the RAZN, and the RAZN can autonomously alert and control to stop an explosion.
- Use the RAZN to keep boats or ships safe.
Isolated IOs and 3-Pin Solenoid Drivers N55-9
The RV-N55-9 RAZN can monitor temperature sensors in a remote area, with isolated GPIOs.
Autonomously, the N55-9 RAZN can be setup to Monitor Sensors, and trigger Solenoids.
It contains (24 pins) to implement 14 IO features, and have 8 IOs totally Isolated.
Solenoids can be controlled by this RAZN version.
All IO pins are safely ISOLATED to this system does not connect to Ground.
- Use this analog interface for Sensors to Monitor .
- Detailed information about the sensor inputs is on the Terminal Information page..
- The RV-N55-9 has an Ethernet output to send the temperature to a network..
RAZN Communication
Many great Communication Features in ALL RAZN versions:
–Data Radios inside the RAZN.
— Ethernet TCP/IO interface in the front.
— RS484 serial port on the front.
For lower-cost versions, you can order versions
with no Wireless Radios or no Ethernet.
MODBUS protocol can do SCADA IO features in the RAZN.
Autonomous TOAA can send Text or SCADA messages.
A Myriad of SCADA Safety Features
The RAZN has Autonomous Operation and Timer-Operations-Actions-Alerts(TOAA).
- MODBUS, or commands, to read sensors with your master controller.
- Long-range wireless data radios link the RAZN.
- Many sensors to monitor Sensors to Monitor remotely.
- Sensor thresholds can trigger messages, or control local things, or control remote things.
- RAZN can monitor temperature, angle, vibrations, and input voltage.
- Use RAZNs to just do what you want them to do autonomously in a remote areas.
- Data Radios in RAZN can turn on Encryption to be Communication Safe.
- Your system can alert and prevent explosions by monitoring sensors on the RAZN, and the RAZN can autonomously alert and control to stop an explosion.
- Isolated IOs are in many versions.
- High-performance ADC chip is in the RAXN that TI invented to be Best In the World ADC sensor.
Isolated IO Terminals and
Isolated 2-Pin Latching Solenoid Drivers
RV-N55-5 RAZN has: Isolated IOs in the Remote Autonomous Zone Node
Isolated: Monitor Sensors with 4-20mA signals, or Voltage output. 100% isolated.
Isolated: Output DC voltage to control 2-Pin Solenoids, valves, pumps, lights, or whatever.
Isolated: Digital inputs to LEDs to remotely monitor digital signals and pulse rates. 100% isolated.
Isolated: GPIO digital IOs, 3 inputs with one shared Isolated GND.
RAZN RTUs and PLCs are reliable, secure, and safe, and this version the terminals are very Isolated.
There 4 DSD Latching Solenoid Driver voltage outputs to control up to 2 solenoids.
These 4 DSD outputs have are isolated using the EVI voltage input and VPG ground.
- Isolated Analog Inputs (IAI), have 12 bit totally isolated ADCs.
- Isolated digital inputs driving OI LED (LI) to monitor digital in.
- Ethernet interface is available.
- The RAZN can be an RTU to control with MODBUS.
- Set Timer Operations Actions and Alerts (TOAA) to autonomously have Actions.
There is a current sensor on the Solenoid drivers, to monitor the Solenoids to make sure they are actually working.
The RAZN can control an Electrolytic Capacitor Energy source, and it is available with this RAZN.
Isolated IO Terminals and
Isolated 3-Pin Latching Solenoid Drivers
RV-N55-9 RAZN has: Isolated IOs in the Remote Autonomous Zone Node
Isolated: Monitor Sensors with 4-20mA signals, or Voltage output.
Isolated: Output AC or DC voltage to control Solenoids, valves, pumps, lights, or whatever.
Isolated: Digital inputs to LEDs to remotely monitor digital signals 100% isolated.
Isolated: GPIO digital IOs, 3 inputs with one shared Isolated GND.
RAZN RTUs and PLCs are reliable, secure, and safe, and this version the terminals are very Isolated.
There 4 SD Latching Solenoid Driver voltage outputs to control up to 2 solenoids that are 3-Pin Latching Solenoids.
These 4 SD outputs have one shared isolated ground.
There 4 SV Switched Voltage outputs can control up to 4 steady solenoids/relays/terminals/valves/pumps/….
- Isolated Analog Inputs (IAI), have 12 bit totally isolated ADCs.
- Isolated digital inputs driving OI LED (LI) to monitor digital in.
- Ethernet interface output available.
- The RAZN can be an RTU to control with MODBUS.
- Set Timer Operations Actions and Alerts (TOAA) to autonomously have Actions.
RAZN is the ideal choice for reliable use in industrial environments.
- Very reliable, thanks to Reliable and Secure Wireless technology.
- Long-Range. Supported frequency bands: VHF, UHF, 220MHz, 868 MHz, and 915 MHz ISM.
- Myriad of IO terminal features, in many different RAZN versions. Raveon can easily design and build custom versions for you also.
- Range of up to 70 kilometers, thanks to adjustable data rates and various RF bands.
- Flexible network configuration: The RAZN supports point-to-point connections, meshed networks, and point-tomulti-point with up to thousands of nodes.
- Low cost solutions: Transmit I/O signals or serial data using a single master device and integrate others via RS-485 interface.
- Can have multiple extensions with additional I/O modules.
- Control it with your Master device, and it can also be configured to autonomously do what you want it to do.
Autonomous Features (To Make Your System Safer)
The RAZN operates like a traditional RTU, and also has many new Autonomous features to make systems more safe.
The TOAA Timer/Operation/Autonomous/Action/ feature lets you setup the RAZN to do what you want it to do automatically. Raveon filed a US provisional Patent in 2020 for this spectacular RAZN technology.
The Autonomous features in a RAZN products can really help cities and states prepare for extreme weather disasters, and run very safely.
This Autonomous IoT device (AIoT) works on networks or Cloud servers, but it also works great, autonomously, without necessary network or IoT connections.
Set Timers: To trigger an specific Operation event.
Setup Operations: To do, such as read digital inputs, read buttons, read voltages, check register values, read temperature, or dozens of other operations. If the operation triggers an Action, it will take an Action.
Setup Actions: To do if the operation triggered an alert. Put out a voltage, send a message, turn on an light, turn on a valve, beep a siren, send a text message, send a SCADA alert, of dozens of other actions.
At the end of the Action time duration you choose a Final Action takes place if you want. Turn off the light, turn off the valve, turn off the solenoid, or whatever final action you desire.
The RAZN also does many other Autonomous things other RTUs cannot do:
- Count the number of changes in an input (digital in, button, light sensor,..)
- Record the time a digital input, or button, or sensor, goes up to a 1 or down to a 0.
- Record the maximum value in some registers that measure voltages, pulses/second, pulses/minute, pulses/hour.
- Change an output based upon the status of some inputs, such as voltages, pulses, digial bits, buttons, …
- Periodically send the status of some inputs, registers, or sensors.
- Data Logging. A large EEPROM memory inside the RAZN can log any data you want.
- Send text messages out based upon status of inputs or registers.
- Specify the time between consecutive unsolicited messages sent by the RAZN.
- Trigger alert messages in text or MODBUS message or show numbers.
- Alerts can be triggers as you want with man Timer Operation Actions based on time. TOAA
- Configure the max on/off times for solenoid driving to ensure drivers never over-drive.
- Record or report the number of times an IO changes per minute or hour or day.
- Internal Real Time Clock RTC with a battery to keep the RTC correct even if power goes off.
- Monitor the current of a solenoid driver to ensure it is connected or detect a short circuit.
- Analog sensor is available with 24 bit resolution ADC.
- Built-in VHF or UHF data radios that work 10-50 miles.
- Send a text alert message the way you want to get the info.
- A local RAZN can Autonomously control other remote devices via connected to remote RAZN units.
RAZN IO Features
The Remote Autonomous Zone Node (RAZN) has many Terminal IO options. The terminals can connect to Sensors to Monitor remote parameters.
A website shows the RAZN IO Terminal Versions. Most have two 12-pin terminals on them.
Use the RAZN to turn things on and off such as: Lights, valves, pumps, fans, door-locks.
Binary inputs can control remote binary outputs and sensor inputs can control binary outputs also.
The RV-N55-1 Terminal IO Interfaces
There are many terminal IO options available in various version of the RAZN. Here is an example of an original RAZN number: RV-N55-1.
Terminal A (Switched Power DC or AC)
- 8 Switched Power output pins controlled by the RAZN and commands from you.
- One Power input pin. Put your AC or DC into this pin.
- Three Power ground pins. Use this for your system ground. It is optically isolated from the RAZN’s electronics.
Terminal B (Has many General Purpose IOs) IO Pins are configurable as needed.
- 2 Button Inputs to connect a button or a switch to.
- 4 Analog voltage inputs to measure voltages.
- 2 Analog current inputs to measure 4-20mA current signals.
- 4 Digital Inputs to monitor TTL digital signals.
- 4 Digital outputs to output TTL data.
- 1 Open drain FET output to switch relays, lights, to ground to turn on.
- 1 Ground pin, 1 TTL power output.
- 1 DC Switched Power output to pass the DC input voltage out.
Simplified SCADA for Less Complex Applications
This smart RTU communicates with your control center as quickly as you need to know about the status of things connected to it.
The sooner you get the information, the faster you can fix the problem and avoid negative consequences.
The Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) features of this simple smart device offers opportunities to enhance your operations across manufacturing, energy, agriculture, transportation, water utilities and other critical infrastructure sectors of the economy. It improves the way you collect, analyze and share real-time information to help your organization make better decisions. The RAZN enables machines and equipment to resolve potential failures before they become a catastrophe. It allows remote objects in remote zones to operate autonomously while being monitored by personnel from remote locations or locally.
With this easy-to-deploy IIoT solution, you can monitor and control your system with RAZNs from anywhere. And The Remote Zone Node’s smart wireless interfaces enable you to monitor and control thousands of things using one Ethernet connection or one cellular connection, or a Wireless data connections, to greatly reduce your connectivity costs. Your SCADA master controller can control the RAZN and read the RAZN inputs, and the extra autonomous features can autonomously do what you want it to do, and your master can connect to the RAZN and verify it is doing what it needs to do.
And if the connection fails, cellular fails, the Internet gets shut down, those Autonomous features keep working as you want them to do.
The Data Sheet for all Products are in this Data Sheet Website.
For smart information, we have Application Notes to show people smart information. Our Application Notes have lots of SCADA information.
Key Benefits of Raveon’s RAZN:
- Promote social distancing (due to Covid-19) while connecting to the Internet of Things or your Private Network.
- Modern current technology. Small, low-cost, complete solution with built-in long-range wireless.
- Built-in Radios: Wirelessly communicate over many miles, on narrow-band channels or license-free ISM bands.
- Secure software operations. Via the Comm ports, no one can add bad software into this product. Only Raveon’s software can be loaded.
- Wireless SCADA systems can use the RAZNs to monitor and control things in remote areas, and reliably Autonomously Manage the system.
- The Programmable Logic Control (PLC) feature in the RAZN is a flexible and easy way to remotely control things.
- The RAZN’s smart MCU does Smart Sensor Monitoring so low-cost sensors work great and save you money.
- Innovative and configurable in better ways other RTUs or PLCs can do. Contact Raveon for more detailed and confidential information.
- MODBUS Protocol Support for More Efficient Data Communication over Narrow-band or Broad-band
- Interoperable using a Variety of Communication Media and Systems and Its own communications expansion features.
- Real-Time Processing with Real Time Clock for Complex Control and Automation Applications.
- A myriad of terminal IO options available in various RAZN versions.
- Easy to Configure, Install and Maintain.
- Robust Communication with a myriad of interface options: Ethernet, RS-422, LoRa, Long-range narrow-band wireless
- This Smart Device can “Relay Messages” to hundreds of RAZNs to create a local network covering many miles with just one external connection.
- Alarm Conditions can be configured to automatically report status, IO error threshold events, or high temperatures.
- Alarm messages can be a MODBUS message, or a text message as you want. A text message can contain register values in it.
- If the connection fails, cellular fails, the network fails, or the Internet gets shut down, the Autonomous features within the RAZN keep working as you want them to do.
- Green and efficient Performance along with Low-Power and Sleep Modes.
- The 8-16 inputs on one RAZN can control 8-16 outputs on another or control 8-16 remote RAZNs in 8-16 different remote areas using the RAZN’s wireless links.
- SMART ARM processor with optimized OS dedicated to SCADA, security, and data communications.
- Duration data register: Calculates and controls the elapsed time of a controlling event. Set output duration limitations the way you want them.
- It can send Text messages to Human-Machine Interface to communicate Status and Alarm Information
- The communication capability is designed to specifically support secure communications over diverse networks.
- Polarity and Voltage Protected. Over voltage and reverse voltage does not breakdown the unit. ESD protected interfaces.
- Internal battery backed-up Real Time Clock. Used to report event times and control outputs at specified times and duration.
- The RAZN has a Data Logger to store data and events the way you want, so event can be read from the EEPROM much later.
Configuring A RAZN.
Each RAZN version is preset with all features. Use them as they are, in great ways. If you want, you can Programming a RAZN with hundreds of other features.
Raveon’s RAZN technology is easy to used “As Is”, so most user’s don’t have to configure. Here is the configuration information
- You can have Raveon’s customer support team preset any features you want.
- There are dozens of RAZN versions, each one is automatically setup by Raveon the way it should work.
- There are hundreds of Commands that can be executed to turn on or off features. The User manual describes all of these.
- Commands can be done on the RS-422 or Ethernet interface.
- There is a Revision Code code in all RAZN version, that show the list of versions used.
- The PLxx command is also added to the RAZN to automatically preset a large list of features, by entering on number (xx) in that command.
Tell Raveon: a big list of features to already have setup in your version.
Raveon will add a (xx) parameter to execute and automatically do ALL your desired features with one command.
Reduce Current Consumption over Time, and WAKE-UP when needed.
Easy to use a RAZN in a solar-powered battery remote area. The TOAA feature can run in very lower-power mode to have very low current consumption.
Inside the RAZN is s small battery that keeps the Real Time Clock (RTC) running, when powered down. The RTC Timer triggers Operations, Actions and Alerts (TOAA).
Each TOAA can have 1 to 4 Actions assigned to it. Set the Timer action time as long as you what. And 4 Actions can take place. To run in pow-power modes, the actions can be:
- Turn on the Power and Run the RANZN’s TOAA actions.
- Read the sensors the way you want, and stored the sensor data.
- Listen for messages, or automatically send messages based on the data and sensors you want.
- When all 3 above are done, in xx number of mS, turn the device off again.
- Use the RV-N54 version with no Ethernet Interface which will reduce DC power consumption.
These 4 actions will take place whenever you want to do that. Every minute, hour, 8 hours, days, weeks, or whatever TOAA rate you want.
When the RAZN powers off, current consumption will be lower than 0.1mA. If this is done every 4 hours, the average daily current draw will be lower than 0.2mA.
The RV-N55-3 Terminal Interfaces
There are many terminal IO options available in various version of the RAZN. Here is an example of one referred to as the RV-N55-3.
Terminal A has 8 Switched Voltage (SV) outputs to output DC or AC voltage triggering irrigation valves, lights, pumps, sirens, or whatever you want.
Terminal A Automated Peripheral Controls
- The SV outputs can be controlled by MODBUS commands over the radio link,
- The BI button inputs on Terminal B can control these Terminal A SV outputs.
- The RAZN can be setup to remotely control other RAZNs so a remote RAZN can control the Terminal Z SV outputs.
- Remote communication can take place via Ethernet connection, or the long-range RF data radio modem inside the RAZN.
Terminal B (button Inputs)
- 8 BI Button Inputs that are triggered with the input is connected to the ground pins GND.
- BI inputs can use buttons. switches, door sensors, or digital inputs.
The RV-N55-5 Terminal Sensor Interfaces
There are many terminal IO options available in various version of the RAZN. Here is an example of one referred to as the RV-N55-5.
The IOs are extremely isolated. None use the products ground. Even the analog inputs and digital IOs are all isolated from each other.
RAZN RV-N55-5 Isolated Terminal Interfaces
Terminal A solenoid drivers for up to four 2-pin solenoids.
- 4 DSD solenoid drivers to drive solenoids that have 2 pins on them.
- DC power to drive the solenoid is on the VPG and EVI inputs.
Terminal B (Sensor Monitoring) Very Isolated IOs.
- 2 Differential analog inputs for Volt reading or 4-20mA current reading. 18bit resolution.
- 2 Isolated digital inputs LI.
- 3 additional isolated digital IOs OIDI, OIDI, OIDI
with a shared isolated ground IGND.
The RV-N55-7 Terminal Sensor Interfaces
There are many terminal IO options available in various version of the RAZN. Here is an example of one referred to as the RV-N55-7. Ultra high resolution to monitor analog sensors.
Which has the best sensor resolution in the world to remotely monitor a couple sensors and it has 8 General Purpose Io (GPIO) pin with Flexible Inputs and Outputs (FIO).
Terminal A (Has many General Purpose IOs) IO Pins are configurable as needed.
- 8 Flexible Digital Inputs and Outputs (FIOs) that can be configured as you want.
- Pin2 is the VIO Voltage used for Digital IO. 3.3V or 5.0V. I can be changed to the voltage level you want.
Terminal B (Sensor Monitoring)
- 2 Differential analog inputs for Volt reading or 4-20mA current reading. 24bit resolution, best in the world.
- 2 Current Output signals to output DC current.
- Positive and Negative DC volte output to power your sensor or devices.
- One relay driver output. Controls your AC or DC Relay with this pin.
The RV-N55-9 Terminal Sensor Interfaces
There are many terminal IO options available in various version of the RAZN. Here is an example of one referred to as the RV-N55-9.
Terminal A has isolated analog inputs to read 4-20mA sensors, or voltages. and 3 GPIOs. It can also drive two (3-pin Solenoids) from input DC.
RAZN RV-N55-9 Terminal Interfaces
Terminal A (Has some General Purpose IOs) and solenoid drivers.
- 2 Isolated DSD solenoid drivers to drive solenoids that have 3 pins on them, one of which is GND.
- 2 Isolated LI digital inputs, fully isolated, and fast read, to monitor sensors that pulse.
- 2 Isolated Analog inputs AI to read voltage, or 4-20mA sensors.
AI inputs are configurable as voltage input or current monitoring.
Terminal B (Sensor Monitoring)
- 2 Isolated Differential analog inputs for Volt reading or 4-20mA current reading.
18bit resolution. - 2 Isolated Button Inputs.
- 3 Flexible IO pins. 1 as input and 2 as output.
The common ground for these OIDI and OIDO are isolated.
The RV-N55 & RV-N54 Data Radio Options inside the RAZN
Raveon Data Radios are popular around the world. And RAZN version can also have a data radio modem in them for wireless long range communications.
The M54 does not have Ethernet and the M55 does have an Ethernet interface. Every RAZN item is either RV-M54 or RV-M55.
The Part number structure is: RV-N54-DV-MBB or RV-N55-DV-MBB.
To add Data Radio option into the RAZN Device, add -MBB to the part number to specify V( Modem Version. 5, 6, 8 ) (BB( band code VA,VB,VC,UA,UB,UC,ED,EC)
The Part number structure is: RV-N55-DV-MBB. D: Device (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) V: Version of the device (A,B,C,D,E,F,G,..)
The -MBB number is to specify the data radio inside a RAZN.
- M:(5,6,8) 5 is for the RV-M50 license free. 6 is for RV-M6 2 watt data radio 8 is for the RV-M8 5 watt data radio.
- BB (VA,VB,VC,UA,UB,UC,ED,EC) us the band code VC means VHF C band. UB means UHF B and. In the data sheets see the band information.
For example: Part number RV-N54-3C-6VB is the RAZN with no ethernet interface and an RV-M6 VHF data radio in it.
Things to use RAZN to do
- Control DC powered lights. Switch lights that need up to 30-40watts.
- Meteorological Instrument Functions to measure weather.
- The RAZN is a Modbus RTU to work as a SCADA RTU with many extra features.
- Control AC powered lights if the low-voltage AC is within spec. Of switch an external AC power relay on and off.
- Connect buttons to the SW pins to detect switches and report switch condition.
- Smart Cities can use the RAZN to control the things in the city they need to smartly manage.
- To connect things to internet cloud servers or your private servers, the Ethernet or wireless connections can pass the status of switches and sensors to your servers.
- Control valves and pumps. Turn on and off irrigation devices us DC or AC power supplies.
- Monitor water sensors, and report their status and report emergency information.
- Monitor analog sensors such as temperature, pressure, current, voltage,… connect them to the Analog inputs
- Adhere to Government regulations for safety and metering of gas (for royalties & tax etc)
- All features promote social distancing in your area.
Use the Remote Autonomous Zone Node (RAZN) to control your devices with Ethernet connectivity or Long range wireless.
The RAZN can control and also relay messages onward to very remote areas with more RAZNs in them.
Efficiently Control Nodes All Around a CITY, STATE, or COUNTRY.
IoT Wireless Technology
The IoT consists of an array of new devices that are very different to tablets and PCs. This is the RAZN.
IoT devices like the RAZN are:
- They are low powered – battery, solar, and low current.
- Low unit cost
- They will have limited processing power and memory, although the RAZN is smart and Autonomous processor.
- Operate over a wide variety of ranges, and the RAZN has more wide-range private wireless options than any other IoT device.
The Wide Area Network (WAN) range if the RAZN can cover from 10kM to 200kM. Raveon offers a variety of radio options for all types of systems.
The Wireless and Ethernet interfaces are good IoT connections to Cloud Servers, and the Autonomous features within a RAZN makes your system safe and reliable if the IoT were to stop running.
An Ethernet Interface Data Radio RV-M55-E
The RV-M55-E is an Ethernet Interface Data Radio to communicate with the RAZN products. Raveon created a new Ethernet TCP/IP data radio for wireless communication.
This data radio has a TCP/IP Ethernet interface for long radio wireless communications.
The RV-M55-E has Ethernet terminal ports on it, and and RS-485 interface.
Ethernet interface to wireless data, using TCP/IP terminal ports.
Inside this product, the RV-M6 or RV-M8, or RV-M50 LoRa data radio modems can be used for wireless data communications.
Wireless Ethernet links to RTUs, Data Radio modems, or to the RAZN products.
And if you want RS-232 or other interfaces, you could use out Tech Series Data Radios.
IP Capable Technologies
Whether or not a technology is IP capable is an important thing to bear in mind.
The RAZN is wireless technologies and IP capable, so it does have an IP address.
The RAZN aims to make automation and monitoring of your complex processes robust and cohesive by connecting across a variety of communication media.
- TXP/IP Terminal Server interface with 1-2 ports per RAZN.
- RS-485 serial port interface.
- Radio Modem inside the RAZN. UHF, VHF, or License-Free modem inside on the ISM band.
- Raveon is willing to easily add other interfaces if you need a custom interface to this product.
Enhanced security features also ensure your operations aren’t compromised and productivity doesn’t cease.
Cost & Maintenance
Wire and conduit are expensive and high maintenance. As the price of copper increases, so does the possibility that your wire will be stolen. Wear-and-tear, digging, and rodent damage are all examples of problems that can damage wire.
You can use wires with the RAZN, or go wireless or both.
The RAZN will fit your specific SCADA needs. And more can be added later. It uses the Industry Standard MODBUS protocol.
You can start small and grow, confidentially with this powerful device to handle complex applications and keep your operations connected even as your needs or technologies evolve.
At Remote Control Technology, we are committed to quality and reliability.
With 30+ years of RF and Communication experience, we manufacture the highest quality systems in the industry. We strive to maintain reliable products for our customers.
Smart and High Performance
Designed in 2018, the ARM processor is much higher performance and lower power than RTUs design 10 years ago. CPU processing power provides accurate data analysis and communication for the most critical, and demanding SCADA applications to ensure optimal operation.
The RAZN is designed to use a variety of digital, analog, and switched power interfaces so you are never locked into proprietary solutions. The flexible communications capability enables the RAZN to connect with hundreds of local devices, analyze the data, and send that status information to various other locations. Data transmission and processing is supported simultaneously across multiple communication media and industry standard data protocols including MODBUS.
Real-Time Process Automation And Robust Communication
The RAZN’s General Purpose IOs (GPIOs) can be sedup in any way you want. Each GPIO has many configuration options.
- Digital Inputs
- Digital outputs
- Open drain switch output
- Voltage monitoring
- 4-20mA input to measure current
- Push-button digital inputs.
The RAZN also has switched power capability to pass on DC or AC power to many different products, valves, relays, lights,…
The communication is the most robust in the industry. With some many interface options, it will work with anything, and because it is a smart Remote Terminal Unit, it also can pass on messages to other devices in the area using RS-422, Ethernet, LoRa or long-range narrow-band wireless modems.
All of these features can in included in the RAZN model you acquire for your system.
Architecture of the RAZN SCADA Systems
It is not uncommon for a PLC like this RAZN to utilize external programming, commands, or script writing to perform its role.
There are many ways to utilize this Remote Autonomous Zone Node (RAZN) to monitor and control things:
- IoT Use a Master Controller to read, write, and control the RAZN via Internet, or your network.
- Wireless Use 2 separate Raveon data radio modems to communicate over hundreds of square miles.
- Wireless Use Raveon data radio modem to communicate over hundreds of square miles to a RAZN with a built-in data radio modem.
- Autonomous Setup the RAZN to do what you need it to do, monitor, control, and manage as a smart Remote Terminal Unit (RTU). No need for connection, but you can if you want.
Industries this Remove Terminal Server is good for
Smart Cities: Light control, measure remote sensors and switches, monitor pipes, pressure, temperature, traffic, …
Farms: Control your remote lights, pumps, valves, water tanks,…
Universities: Monitor emergency buttons, Have buttons you need, Control your remote lights, pumps, valves, water tanks,…
Places with grass and plants: Control pumps and valves. Monitor water flow. Automatically time your systems.
Remote Landscape and Irrigation: The long-range RF Data radios can easily control and monitor Landscape and Irrigation in remote areas.
Big Buildings: Monitor doors open or closed, temperatures in rooms and refrigerators, monitor water leakage,…
Timer Operations Actions and Alerts (TOAA) is an Autonomous Feature in the RAZN
This Autonomous TOAA feature makes remote sensors and actions very safe.
How the TOAA Timer Works. Timer Operation Actions and Alerts can be setup in any way you would like.
The TOAA smart timer technology in the RXN can be used to:
On a specific time of day, turn on specific outputs to control light, valves, pumps, doors, …
- The Timer in the RAZN that triggers time can be set to: Intervals (mS, Sec, Min, Hours) or Time in it’s Real Time Clock, or Days, weeks, months, years.
A myriad of timer features are in the RAZN so you can set the timer trigger the way your system needs it. - When the Timer triggers, you specify the Operation this RAZN should perform.
The Operation is setup to read inputs, and registers, which for you can read. Registers have values, IO counters, IO status, IO timers, and many others.
The your desired operation takes place and can cause a Trigger or be ignored based on your operation thresholds. - When the Operation reads what you want, it will trigger an Action based on your desires. If the Operation reading did not cause an Alert, then nothing else will happen.
- If the Operation caused an Action to take place, the actin that takes place is setup by you.
The RAZN can perform many different Actions for an Operation that triggered. - The Final Action is the action that will take place at the end of the duration of the TOAA Timer.
TOAA sets up the minimum time between consecutive unsolicited messages sent by the outstation (Master or Slave)
TOAA Autonomously can do whatever you want to do and whatever time you want,
and TOAA Autonomous operations can save your system incase you SCADA communications or network were to fail.
Unsolicited messages can be sent out by Time and / or Events that Tomer Operations Actions and Alerts (TOAA) take place.
Remote Autonomous Zone Node Features
- Autonomous operation can be setup you users to keep systems safe.
- Wired or Wireless Connection to your network.
- RF Frequency Bands: UHF, VHF, MURS, ISM, LoRa
- Interface: RS485, Ethernet 10/100, USB (or change to WiFi)
- Output power is 0.5W to 5 Watts
- Commutations can be secured and encrypted.
- It has 8 Optically Isolated relays, 8 General Purpose IOs.
- Input DC 12~30V Over voltage and reverse voltage protected.
- Monitor any type of sensor by 4-20mA or Ultra-high resolution voltage monitoring.
- LED status displays.
- MODBUS message processing or unsolicited messages sent by salves as you want.
- Mesh multiple RAZNs with Store and Forward Functionality.
- Thus RAZN RTU can act as a relay station (a store and forward station) to another RTU that may not be accessible from the central station.
- Includes a control processor, associated memory, analog inputs, analog outputs, counter inputs, digital inputs, digital outputs, communication interface(s), and an RTU type rack and enclosure.
- Users can configure many operations: Pulse duration, max on-time, minimum on time, default output settings, timer operations,
- Data Logger stores data and events into the EEPROM data, and users can read the Data Log.
- Isolated IOs. Many RAZN version have fully isolated IO terminals.
This RAZN product and technology was designed by Raveon here in California. They are Made in America.
RAZNs are built here in California by Raveon.
Connecting a Remote Node in a Remote Area
In Remote Areas, have one, dozens, or thousands of Nodes communicating through one connection.
Connection Methods Available with the RAZN
Link one Remote Autonomous Zone Node (RAZN) to your Master Controller any way you want.
- Wired Ethernet connection.
- USB link to a PC or smart device.
- Wireless ISM band (license free) using LoRa technology
- Wireless VHF narrow-band data radio.
- Wireless UHF narrow band data radio.
- Wired RS485 serial interface.
All of these options are available within the RAZN. Choose the one you want.
The RAZN devices have all of these features, for SCADA or any Industry.
Secure Data
The data encryption feature may be enabled on wireless communication. When secure data is enabled, the product will encrypt transmissions using AES128 encryption.
Setup Remote Networks with the RAZN
A RAZN can communicate with many other RAZNz and pass along data to them or get data from them.
Your system can connect to one RAZN, and it will work with as many others as needed.
And for even larger systems, use a Cigorn Gateway to route data to-from multiple Telemetry Networks.
As seen on the left, the gateway can communicate with 1 or hundreds of RAZNs.
One RAZN can manage a complete local network of many RAZNs or GPIO radios in a Remote Zone Network.
The Cigorn Gateway can talk to even thousands of RAZNs so you can have thousands of Remote Zone Networks
Autonomous Smart IO Management
This RAZN is smart and can AUTONOMOUSLY manage the IO pins itself. You can use a master controller or HMI device to control the IOs or setup the RAZN to manage the IOs itself. The RAZN has more IO management features than any other RTU in the industry. There are commands within the RAZN to setup all these features to just run in a remote are with no network connection, if you want to have it just autonomously read inputs and manage outputs based upon the inputs and time and date.
Here is a list of the features. You can choose and setup an Feature ID and Threshold Value (TV). When a Feature measures something you want, it will Control State of an Output Pin (CSOP) as you want it to do. When it Controls the State and Output Pin (CSOP), it can turn on or off a switched DC output, switched AC output, a digital output state, or turn on or off an Open Drain output.
‘A’ Angle of the unit. If the physical angle (X, Y, or Z) angle of the unit goes beyond the TV it will do the CSOP.
‘B’ Raw Input Binary Event If a digital input (TTL, button…) got into a mode you choose (0 or 1, On or Off), then it will do the CSOP.
‘C’ 4-20mA Input Current If a the input current on a 4-20mA input sensor goes beyond the TV it will do the CSOP.
‘D’ DC input or Battery If a internal power voltage goes above or below the TV it will do the CSOP in the way you want.
‘P’ Pulse Ticking Event If a digital input (TTL, button…) pulsed on/off more times per second or minute that you want, it will do the CSOP in the way you want.
‘R’ Pulse Ticking Event If a internal vibration sensor pulsed on/off more times per second or minute that you want, it will do the CSOP in the way you want.
‘T’ Product Temperature If the RAZN’s temperature sensor goes above or below the TV it will do the CSOP in the way you want.
‘#’ Internal Register Value If the internal register value within the RAZN voltage goes above or below the TV it will do the CSOP in the way you want.
The Benefits of Autonomous Data Monitoring and Control
Fast finding critical data
The RAZN reads inputs, status, sensors, timers, and clocks in real-time.
The RAZN can use the information, and control outputs based on inputs, status, sensors, timers, and clocks in real-time.
Output are immediately controlled. Very quick and reliable.
Even if a network is broke, Internet was hacked, a server died, or Cell Tower Failed, Autonomous features keep working perfect.
You can specify the Actions the RAZN should take when an alert triggers. This is done by using a remote Master or the Autonomous TOAA action processor inside the RAZN.
Text Actions when an alert triggers.
In a remote areas, the RAZN can autonomously send a text message to another RAZNs, to other RTUs, to LCD displays, to a computer, or to a device on a network, or to an IoT server.
The Federal Emergency Management Agency wants:|Learn how DHS S&T and our Component partners are incorporating innovative climate adaptation solutions into national preparedness efforts and addressing key vulnerabilities to mitigate the effects of climate change and bolster our national resilience
Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) solution with the RAZN.
The text is a pre-defined phrase the way you want it. You can also add technical information to the text, such as temperature, input states, output states, register values, pulse counters, and many parameters that the RAZN takes care of.
The Alert message can be configured as a MODBUS RTU command to remotely control some other device from the RAZN based on the autonomouse TOAA event the RAZN takes care of.
What is an RTU? RTU info is in this page, click Here. In this Web post, we will explain Remote Terminal Unit is and how it is diffrent from PLC
The Enhanced SCADA Security Features
RAZN supports a full range of security options directly within the RTUs for a self-contained, autonomous secure system. This secure system including:
- Access Control
- Security Enforcement Policy
- Role-Based Access Controls
- Application Control Software
- AES Encryption
- Unused Port Deactivation
- Re-Boot default settings
- Time-Window Commands
- Maximum time/voltage/pulses settings.
RAZN has a multitude of digital security options you can use protecting your systems:
- Intrusion detection systems
- Autonomous operation.
- Firewalls
- Boats, Ships, Buildings, Schools
- Gateway antivirus solutions
- Multifactor authentication
- And more
Operations-Critical Redundancy
The RAZN can be redundantly configured with a Ethernet or RS-485 interconnection. This ensures continuous operation if one CPU or power supply were to fail.
The CPU also has a monitoring chip near it, to verify it is properly running, and the CPU gets automatically re-booted if the CPU fails to run.
Large Scale Capacity
18+ different types of I/O terminals ports are available, and each RAZN has capacity to support up to 100+ I/O modules.
This gives you flexibility to configure large or small sites compactly and cost-effectively.
High-Performance, Real-Time Processing Power
The STM ARM microprocessor provides accurate data analysis and communication for the most critical, and demanding SCADA applications to ensure optimal operation with a 32-bit processor,
CPU is efficient running at 180 MHz, and can be turned onto a low-power mode.
Inputs, Outputs, and Switches
Power Control, (Switched Voltage)
The RV-N55-3 RAZN has 8 switched power outputs connections. You can also provide the input power that will be switched.
DC input 2 – 30 volts DC. AC input 2 – 32V AC.
The 8 outputs will switch as configured and controlled by the commands. One open Collector switched output pin. LEDs on the RAZN show switch status on or off.
Additional GPIOs
Besides the Switched Voltage, there are additional General Purpose IOs such as
- 4 Digital inputs. TTL for binary inputs.
- 4 Digital outputs. TTL binary output bits.
- 2 Analog input. 0-6V, 4-20mA option.
- 2 Analog inputs, 0-6V.
- 2 robust Switch sensors. Switch Grounds.
- 1 DC power out, same as in, switchable.
- Digital DC voltage output, 5V, or 3.3V.
Meteorological Instrument Functions
External temperature sensors can be connect to analog inputs. Meteorological sensors utilize analog inputs.
Rain gauge connects to digital input. Wind speed connect to digital inputs, status, frequency, duration can be read remotely. Wind direction anemometer connects to analog input. The Analog to Digital converter (ADC) input voltage is 0-50V, and input impedance is 10k-20k Ω. ADC accuracy 0.1 to 2.5%
If you need some other voltage range, accuracy, or special interface, we will be glad to work with you to make a version to meet your needs.
Industrial use of the RAZN
Here is a list of Industries Raveon created the RAZN to work with, and help Autonomously keep it safe, and have them be able to wirelessly monitor and control over large areas.
Machine Health Monitoring
Monitor critical assets all time, and get notified of problems. The RAZN remote monitoring product has protection capabilities to your assets to improve plant reliability.
Security Alarm System applications: Remotely monitor doors and gates. Trigger alert lights, beepers, or send text messages, or all.
Oil and gas pipelines: Automate the collection and transfer of your field data to your system, and Autonomously keep the system safe when bad events happen.
Pumping Stations, Tanks, Oil or Water levels: Reduce unplanned downtime. RAZN keeps production running smoothly by monitoring tanks.
RAZN’s wireless monitoring solution makes it easy to remotely monitor multiple tank levels so that your process is not unexpectedly interrupted.
Autonomously keep the system safe when bad events happen.
Lighting control with remote access, local switches, and timers: Each RAZN has up to 8 switched voltage outputs (SV) to turn valves, lights, or pumps on or off.
The Real Time Clock (RTC) in the RAZN can autonomously turn lights on/off as you want, and the Ethernet and Long-range Wireless data communication links enable you to
control lights over cities, states, or across the country. or around the world.
Remote Irrigation control with remote access, local switches, water monitors, and timers. The analog input sensors can also remotely control the irrigation.
Weather Stations: The RAZN can monitor air-speed, read Thermocouple Temperature Sensors, monitor light, and trigger remote control based on all sensor inputs.
The RAZN can text the weather information to remote computers or networks. And it can monitor and send weather alert messages as you need.
Supervising and monitoring alarm systems; You may not have heard an alarm, but RAZN can help monitor and remotely alert your buildings security.
Autonomous Data Acquisition: RAZN connects to your network using smart wireless sensors for prevention measures and send you data, or Autonomously control.
Vending Machines security protection: The RTC, input sensors, vibration sensors, and many others can monitor your machine to protect it, and notify you remotely.
Monitoring Buildings and Real Estate: The RTC, input sensors, vibration sensors, and many others can monitor your buildings to protect it, and notify you remotely.
River Monitoring and Flood Control: The RAZN telemetry controller and monitor and you can remotely read river and flood information.
The RAZN can also autonomously control things and alert you related to water levels, flood, and so many sensors.
Automatic monitoring systems: The RAZN is the best automatic and autonomous monitoring SCADA PLC and RTU.
This modern smart technology, and Raveon’s data modems, makes this RAZN a great price, for reliable remote monitoring. And Controlling.
Traffic monitoring and traffic control: Any traffic sensors can be monitored by the RAZN. The smart CPU in it does the math you need, and you can monitor it.
The RAZN can also control what you want to control communicating to the RAZN, and Autonomously the RAZN can safely control traffic as you want, by it self.
Temperatures and water leakage applications; The ultra-high resolution analog input can monitor any temperature sensors, and Thermocouples, and water detectors.
You can remotely read these sensors on the RAZN, and the RAZN can send the information to you, or Autonomously control what you want based on temperature and/or leakage.
Save Energy, street light control: Lights can efficiently be Autonomously controlled the way you want with a RAZN. No cell fees, no people have to work hard to monitor.
Transformer stations and Valve Control: Monitor AC voltage, AC current, temperature, and enclosure status. The RAZN can report to you, and you can read if you want.
Base Transceiver Monitoring: You wireless base stations and towers, or cellular towers and systems, can be monitored with RAZN terminal inputs, and autonomously do what you want.
And if the system fails, the RAZN can wirelessly still work and remotely send you information about the issue that cause a failure.
Fire detection: This was a high priority of the RAZN concept.
The RAZN can monitor AC power cables to see if they break, and it can detect fire, and send an alert over 1-50 miles, even longer with an additional Raveon repeater.
Manage wind farms: To save wire cost, and labor, the RAZN can monitor and measure whatever you want over 100 square miles, to make sure your windfarm is working as expected.
Methods to Control the Switched Voltage Outputs
The RAZN makes remote automation and monitoring of your complex processes robust and cohesive by connecting across a variety of communication methods and data protocols.
- Connect AC or DC power into the SV input power terminal ports (VPG,EIV) (Isolated GND, and Isolated voltage) that is Isolated from this product.
- A remote RAZN can wirelessly or with wires, monitor its inputs, buttons, voltage, temperature…. and send over to another RAZN to output Switched Voltages (SV) out.
- Send Commands via Ethernet, Serial port, USB port, or Wireless network
- Turn on and turn off commands.
- Reset to defaults if the power is cycled.
- Drive Solenoids by the RAZN
- The SV outputs can tur steady Solenoids ON or oFF
- The RV-N55-9 RAZN can control 3-Pin Latching Solenoids.
- The RV-N55-5 RAZN can control 2-Pin Latching Solenoids.
- The RV-N55-3 RAZN can Switch Voltage(SV) 8 SV outputs and 8 Button/Digital Inputs to control local.
- Internal timers and counters setup to manage Outputs
- Turn off after XX milliseconds.
- Turn on for XX milliseconds
- Command protocols (Contact sales to incorporate you protocol).
- MODBUT TCP can be used with the Ethernet interface, or these can be communicated over-the-air wirelessly.
- Raveon command mode commands or remote commands using RPR.
- WMX Wireless Message Exchange commands incorporated into all Raveon data radio modems.
- To use your custom commands, contact Raveon sales to request new commands added to the RAZN
RAZN Unique Features
Here is a list of things the RAZN can do that almost no other RTU or PLC in the world can do itself.
- Internal accelerometer to measure/monitor vibration, and angle of the RAZN.
- GPS tracker. All Raveon radio modems have a GPS tracking option, to automatically remote location and status or be queried as to where they are.
- 24bit ADC. The -10 version of the IO panel uses a 24 bit ultra high resolution ADC for measuring voltage and current.
- Autonomous Operations. Raveon’s provisional patent was filed because this RAZN does unique and the best Autonomous operations of any wireless PLC.
Accessories for the RAZN from Raveon
AC Power supply is available from Raveon. PS-55-A
The connector is 11mm X 5.5mm Inside Diameter 2.1mm
This AC-DC supply (12V DC) is usable to power a RAZN.
USB to RS-485 Interface Raveon part#: RG-H4U
To connect to the RS-485 Interface, there are USB versions available.
Raveon can supply you one if you want. Here what it looks like:
A DC cable to plug into the RAZN . Part #: CB-M55-A
This cable is available. 20+ inches long
12-Pin Header Connector, 3.5mm spacing. Raveon Part#: 1J822-12
Typically made by Molex. Their item: 39500-5012
Great connector to plug into the 12 pin Terminal Ports (A or B).
RS-485 Interface Raveon Part#: 1J821-5
A 5 pin connector that can plug into the RS-485 interface on the RAZN.
A 5 pin RS-485 Pluggable Terminal Block with 5 Pos.
MOLEX makes a version 0395105005 that works great on this product.