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“The Connected Future” Fairfax, Virginia

For your IoT system or solution, Zigron and Raveon work together to provide complete end-to-end IoT solutions.

Zigron is a US based company that has been in business since 2006 with offices in Northern VA and Pittsburg PA. It also has facility along with a world class infrastructure in Islamabad Pakistan. In the past 10 years Zigron has worked with 70 plus large number of early stage, mid and top tier companies in Wireless, Broadcast, Satellite. Zigron specializes in Cloud Engineering [OpenStack|VMware|AWS|KVM], SDN/NFV, Big data analytics & IOT|M2M technologies.

Corporate America has looked at IoT (Internet of Things) technology. They understand that ioT can help connect and create communication links between different sensors and devices, using both wireless and wired systems. Corporate Industrial IoT technology (iioT) keeps on growing. Almost 20% of corporations have embraced some form of iioT as an integral part of the corporate infrastructure. Zigron has actively involved in iioT solutions for almost 4 years and is uniquely positioned to help make these systems work efficiently, cost-effectively, and deliver a strong ROI with its overall iioT solution.

Zigron offers a complete solution encompassing both hardware, the right mix of software solutions, services, Network Virtualization, and Cloud based platforms expertise to provide corporations with everything needed to bring innovative connected solutions to their corporation. Zigron’s unique “one-stop-shop approach” streamlines the iioT development process, helps to reduce complexity in the corporate ecosystem, resulting in significant shortening of project timelines, and accelerating the ROI for clients. Zigron’s time-tested expertise of US/Offshore market presence greatly reduces cost, increases efficiency, and provides a global footprint to support customers.

Zigron Industrial IoT Solutions

  • Smart Cities, Smart Lighting and Smart Buildings
  • Intuitive Factory Warehousing Applications
  • Comprehensive Transportation and Monitoring Applications
  • Oil and Gas Energy Applications
  • Cell Tower Monitoring and Analytics.

Zigron IoT Skillset

  • Create scalable IoT device management platforms.
  • Integrate rich user interfaces on desktop and mobile devices.
  • Integrate multi-level security.
  • Unify control of sensors, RTUs and networks.
  • Enable simple integration of Big Data analytics & visualization.
  • Adopt open architectures that can adapt as ecosystem matures.

Rire Fighter Safety

Raveon can made perfect GPS tracking radios with ASA’s awesome technology for wildland firefighter safety.
GPS Tracking on maps will display your asset, limited only by the range of the data radio communications.

These designs have been designed on the KISS principle, requires no login and runs in “Kiosk mode.”
When powered-up, the system boots and automatically runs the RangerTrax© application.  Your location and unique identifier are on the map.
The ATLAS Personal Tacker is used on Army, Air-force, and Navy bases all over the country.


BKM Wireless

BKM Wireless logo

Headquartered in the San Francisco Bay Area, BKM Wireless is a distributor of wireless IOT devices.

We partner with BKM as a distributor for our IoT and wireless data products.

Many Raveon products can connect to networks and IoT.
The RV-M55-E is a TCP/IP network radio.


Rel-Tek Sensors

Many Rel-Tek sensors used in Long Range4 Wireless systems are made by Rel-Tek,

The sensors noted on that page compatible with Raveon’s Tech Series GPIO radio modems or Raveon’s Remote Autonomous Zone Node (RAZN).
You can Remotely monitor these sensors with Raveon’s SCADA solutions.

Application Note:  AN236_Thermotypes (pdf)  explains how to use Thermocouple Sensors. They can be monitored many miles away with RAZN wireless technology.

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