Raveon’s data radio products are well-suited for Wireless Remote Terminal Units (RTU) in the SCADA and telemetry industry. Wireless SCADA systems are common for telemetry, remote control, and power grid management. VHF and UHF radio frequencies over very long range communication ability, and with the fastest transmit / receive hundreds of thousands of meters and may be polled or report-in every day on a single radio channel.
Wireless SCADA and Telemetry use radio modems to connect The Master Controller to the Slave Device. Connect an RTU radio to the right Sensors to Monitor in remote zones.
A wireless Slave Device is a wireless RTU, and it keeps the system efficient and save costs, and make easier to install and update. A Wireless RTU with built-in Slave features such as Raveon’s RV-M21 Tech Series telemetry modems be a Slave Device in a remote area.
The RV-M21 RTU has a GPIO interface to make it a RTU Slave Device:
A M21 smart radio modem is a innovative Wireless Remote Terminal Unit (RTU)
The M21 combine the functions of an RTU with a built-in data radio rodem to provide a cost-effective and powerful solution for various industries.
The General Purpose IO (GPIO) pins can be controlled with MODBUS commands.
GPIO pins can be configured to: switch DC power, read analog inputs, read 4-20mA in, or be a digital input.
The M21 is available with 1-5 watts RF output in VHF, UHF and 220MHz bands.
GPIO pin are configurable as Digital input or outputs, Switched open drain outputs do enable relays, or Switched DC power output to drive, lights, relays, valves, or any DC powered item.
That green connector is the GPIO terminal block.
For License Free RF band use, the RV-M22 is a license free 915MHz RTU or serial data transceiver.
The RV-M22 has the same GPIO terminal interface option as the RV-M21 has.
Those GPIO and FIO interface options are RTUs built into this data radio.
MODBUS commands work with these radios, and the PLC or Master connect to the radio’s serial port to talk over-the-air to other radios with GPIO.
The communication range is typically 1-10 miles, or 20 miles in open areas.
The miniature RV-M22 is available in the 902-928MHz ISM band. UHF and VHF 2 watt RV-M22 version are also available.
The RV-M21 utilizes the Tech Series front panel has a myriad of IO options and some panes can be used as Wireless Remote Terminal Units. For wireless SCADA and wireless RTUs, order the RV-M21 with the GPIO interface or the Flexible IO (FIO) interface.
Connect the GPIO terminal on the Tech Series radio to the right Sensors to Monitor in remote zones.
Boats, Green Houses, Forests, and many places should be monitored to save them. These radios can connect to sensors.
These radios also have accelerometers to monitor angle and vibration to remotely wirelessly monitor sensors, angle, vibration or whatever.
To explain environmental monitoring, application note AN251_Enviromental_Monitoring (pdf) describes Sensor Environmental Monitoring with a RTU.
Raveon’s Unique Features for Wireless RTUs
- Low Cost. Raveon’s Tech Series of wireless data modems are the most economical on the market.
- Easy to use. Plug-in, Turn-on, and GO. Transmit data in = Receive data out.
- Remote status monitoring including DC voltage, packet error statistics, modem “up time”, and receiver signal strength.
- GPIO (General Purpose IO) interface options to have the radio modem be your RTU. It can switch DC power on 1-3 terminals. Or measure sensors.
- FIO (Flexible IO) interface with pins that can be configured as digital inputs or digital outputs.
- Remote “PING” From any M7 modem, a user may send a “PING” to any other M7 data radio modem to find out the link signal strength.
This allows quick diagnostics, easy antenna alignment, and reduced site visits. - Wide input voltage with high-efficiency switching voltage regulators. Most all allow input voltage from 9 to 30V DC.
- Capable of store-and-forward repeating operation. Any M21, M8, M7, M6 radio modem may be configured as a store and forward repeater.
Small size. Extruded aluminum enclosure is small, and very rugged.
- Programmable over-the-air data rates. You can choose how your system will work.
Set the OTA data slower for extended communication range, or set it fast for lowest latency. Your choice. - MODBUS messaging. The GPIO and FIO interface IO pins can controlled with MODBUS RTU messages.
- The RV-M21, RV-M22, RV-M6, RV-M50, RV-N55 RAZN, area all designed by Raveon and Made in America.
Master Controller Wireless Base Stations
RV-M21 and RV-M22 Tech Series Telemetry modems with Slaves
The Tech Series modems comes with multiple front interface options. User for serial data communications, or wireless SCADA and telemetry RTU.
Telemetry Slave options with the GPIO and FIO interface. Reliable secure wireless data modems in VHF, UHF, and ISM bands. Send receive raw data, or utilize MODBUS or WMX messaging to control and monitor remote devices.
The Tech Series radio modems are the most flexible RF modem architecture on the planet. They have a myriad of IO options:
- RS-232 UART Serial. Any baud rate you want to use.
- RS-422 UART 2-wire Serial. Any baud rate you want to use.
- RS-485 UART 2 or 4 wire serial. Any baud rate you want to use.
- USB to plug into a PC.
- GPIO General Purpose IO (Digital IO, Analog input, voltage reading, Switched DC out)
- Analog Analog radio for voice communications.
- FIO Flexible IO with configurable digital inputs and outputs.
- CLO is a Current Loop Output CLO that output 4-20mA received from a sensor in a remote area.
For many SCADA systems, the radio modem can be used to communicate with the remote terminal units in very remote areas. These radio modems are very long range, reliable, and secure.
The RV-M21 are 5watt large radios. The RV-M22 are miniature low-cost data radios for UHF, VHF, or license free ISM bands.
On the GPIO radio, you can connect SCADA Sensors to Monitor that output 4-20mA. The GPIO will mimic the sensor a long ways away to this modem with Current Loop Output CLO that will output the 4-20mA signal in.
RV-M8 OEM modem modules for your RTUs
The RV-M8 is an OEM radio modem module used to communicate over many miles. You can utilize and OEM Radio Modem Module inside of your remote devices to create a Wireless RTU.
1.2 to 5W RF output power, with communication range 5-60 miles (VHF) and 3-40 miles (UHF).
Use this module to manage your things like valves, pumps, relays, and lights. Read the status of them or input switches or input voltages.
Available in VHF, 220MHz, and UHF RF bands.
We will work with your team to make sure this product works perfectly with your system.
Miniature Long Range Radio Modem
Raveon’s M6 and M50 data radio modems are miniature ultra-low-cost radio modem for use in your products.
It is available in various bands: VHF, UHF, MURS, and 915MHz License Free ISM
It is easy to embed inside your products to communicate for many miles.
The M6 in VHF and UHF bands can communicate for 1-30 miles, depending upon the terrain. The ISM band version RV-M50 utilized LoRa long range RF technology, and can reliably communicate 1-20 miles.
The M6 OEM module can be used for:
- Sending and receiving UART serial data.
- GPS tracking and data comm.
- Processing MODBUS messages and controlling IOs.
- Reading meters, controlling valves, controlling pumps and lights, reading sensors, transmitting switch status,
- Measuring angle and vibration with its built-in accelerator.
- Raveon is always willing to add communication protocols or messages to OEM modems to make them work perfectly with your system, and save you money.
SCADA Software
Raveon has a free open-source software app for testing and working with SCADA, Telemetry, and MODBUS products. It is called SCADA Comm User (SCU)
This SCU program is designed and built for experimenting and testing MODBUS devices such as Raveon’s Tech Series GPIO and FIO wireless RTUs. If you would like to work with the source code, it is open to Raveon’s SCADA users, so please contact Raveon sales department.
Wireless RTU
The Tech Series has a GPIO version of the RV-M21 and RV-M22 series radio modems. They are ideal for SCADA and telemetry.
The GPIO connector on the product is a Phoenix Contact 1829387 DFK-MC type connector.
Wireless technologies is a cost-effective way to provide remote and localized control and transfer of live and historical data. Implementing a wireless infrastructure is beneficial to new production sites. It drastically reduces installation cost and time, reduce permit costs, and eliminates wiring, trenching, and running conduit. It minimizes wire failure due to degradation and other environmental factors.
The 3 GPIO terminal pins on this radio can be configured with many IO option features: (Switched DC output, digital input, voltage measuring, 4-20mA current monitoring, open-gate MOSFET driver)
And if you have a system that needs some other IO terminals, Raveon can easily design and add a new custom front panel interface to the radio for your system. Let us know.
Remote Autonomous Zone Node (RAZN) that is an: RTU/PLC and many other SCADA features.
Wireless long-range Remote Autonomous Zone Node (RAZN) is for smart SCADA and Telemetry nodes with general purpose control capability in a compact, cost-effective package.
There are many different RAZN version, for many different types of systems. A myriad of IO interfaces are available.
RAZN can switch on/off 8 AC and DC power outputs, and convert up to four analog devices, 8 digital inputs, and 2 switch inputs, into: Ethernet/IP or MODBUS-TCP.
Many analog sensor inputs with ultra-high resolution ADCs to Monitor, control, and record things over many miles.
The RAZN uses MODBUS commands to be an RTU, and do many programmable logic features (PLC) also.
An its huge Autonomous features can Autonomously do what you need to ensure gets done, even if communication fails, so the RAZN can save your system,.. City,.. State!
List of Remote Autonomous Zone Node (RAZN) Versions Created by Raveon.
RTUs with PLC features.
Button Inputs, switched voltage outputs.
Many 2-pin solenoid drivers, and IO features.
RV-N55-7 SCADA and Telemetry GPIOs
Ultra high resolution 4-20mA and voltage sensors and GPIOs.
Solenoid drivers, 4-20mA monitoring, and GPIO features.
Each of these RAZN versions have many similar version with various IO and interface features.
All can communicate with Ethernet, Data Radios, and or RS-485.
The utilize MODBUS RTU and MODBUS TCP communication to work as RTUs.
Each RAZN can Logically Control itself or others over long-range wireless systems.
Raveon’s data radios can be included an a RAZN to work over long range RF systems. 1-50 miles.