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RF Transceiver Kits (UHF/VHF) The RV-M8S OEM data radio modem is designed for embedded OEM applications where long-range data communications is necessary. It is available in UHF, VHF frequency bands and the 216-220MHz frequency band.
It communicates with and has the features of Raveon’s M7 series of data radio modems, at a smaller size and better efficiency. Its small size, lower power consumption, 1/2W to 5W of RF output, and versatile digital interface makes it easy to integrate into your product. It has user-selectable protocols, either packet data or POCSAG paging data reception.
With fast over-the-air data rates and fast transmit-to-receive switching, Raveon’s M8 data radio transceiver works exceptionally well in telemetry systems, polled metering systems, and anywhere when fast response time is required. Included in each unit is advanced networking, encryption, error correction, and local and remote diagnostics.
Because it is built using rugged “single-board” construction, it is extremely reliable – and cost effective. With prices for radio transceivers starting below $250, in OEM quantities, the M8S is the most versatile and economical embedded data radio available. And its price will pleasantly surprise you. Mechanical in interface information for the M8 OEM radio modems.

This OEM data radio modem has incorporated many many advanced features and functions. This product may not be used for communicating with medical devices, controlling irrigation equipment with paging protocols, or tactical military applications.
This module is targeted for low-power, solar, and battery-powered applications. Exceptional DC power savings is accomplished by:
 A. Advanced CPU. Using the latest CORTEX micro-processor, it uses half the DC power as the CPU in our M7 used while running twice as fast. And has twice the memory. This is one powerful little radio modem.
 B. Digital I/O. The power-hungry RS232 I/O driver has been eliminated. The input and output voltage levels are 3.3V logic, as well as the serial I/O. This saves power and cost. USB I/O is also available.
 C. Switching Regulators. Raveon designed custom DC/DC converters with low RF energy for this product. We used double shields, many ferrite beads, and a 3X the required filter capacitors to make sure the power is clean, and the efficiency is excellent.
 D. Integrated Modem. Raveon data radio products use software-based modems, so there is no external modem IC chip drawing additional power.

The 20 pin interface connector on the front of the board is the Universal OEM Wireless Connector (UWORC). This application note:  AN224(UWORC)  describes Universal Wireless OEM Radio Connector (UWORC) used on Raveon’s OEM data radio modems.
In this website, see the 20 pin UWORC info in:  UWORK Connector Info

t is available in VHF, UHF, and 220Mhz bands.  The 220MHz band is often used for Positive Train Control, and around the world 220MHz is popular in industrial communications.  VHF and UHF commercial bands are usable in most all countries.

Applications and Markets:

The Data Sheet for all Products are in this Data Sheet Website.

This product was designed by Raveon here in California.
It is also built here in California.

The M8 is available in the RV-M21 Tech Series Enclosure.

The Tech Series data radio modems are high performance, long-range, rugged, modular data radio modems available for use on any of the UHF, VHF, or 220MHz

With its field-configurable I/O interface, the Tech Series can be configured for RS-232, RS-422, RS485, USB, GPIO, FIO or Analog interfaces in house or in the field as needed.

The M8 is available for Low-Cost Receiver-version

The M8R data radio modems are high performance, long-range, rugged, for use on any of the UHF, VHF, or 220MHz

This RV-M8R Receiver data radio is low-cost and easy to implement this device into your products.
Or if you need an enclosure for it, you can get the RV-M21R Tech Series enclosure with any IO interface you need,

The M8R receive can receive data radio or even POCSAG data.

  • Small and fully integrate Radio modem.
  • Standard UWORC 20 pin electrical interface.
  • Configurable power setting for receiving and transmitting
  • Adjustable data rates for higher efficiency, or for longer range
  • Data encryption capability for secure transmissions across your whole network
  • Compatible with all other Raveon radio modems (M7, M8, M21, M6 series…)
  • GPS transponder option.
  • Over-The-Air (OTA) configurable, change the report rate, ID, or other parameters without needing a physical connection
  • Product Temperature is monitored and can be sent out.
  • Angle of the device is monitored, and vibration is monitored also. It cam be transmitted or setup for vibration alerts.

Transmitter Specifications

  • RF Power Output VHF……………500mW – 5W (programmable)
  • RF Power Output UHF……………100mW – 5W (programmable)
  • Maximum Duty Cycle…………….30% over 60 seconds, 100% if cooled.
  • Frequency Deviation…………….± 2.2kHz (-N) ± 3.5kHz (-W)
  • RF Bandwidth (UHF)…………….Full band, no-tuning required.
  • RF Bandwidth (VHF)…………….Full band, no-tuning required.
  • Occupied bandwidth……………11 kHz (-N) 16kHz(-W)
  • TX Spurious outputs……………..< -70dBc
  • Occupied Bandwidth…………….Per FCC
  • FCC Emissions Designator……..11K0F1D (-N)
  • Frequency Stability………………Better than ±1.5ppm

Receiver Specifications

  • RX sensitivity (.1% BER)…………………..9600bps < -108dBm
  • ……………………………………………….4800bps < -114dBm
  • 1200 & 2400baud…………………………..< -116dBm
  • RF No-tune bandwidth (UHF)……………..Full band, no-tuning required.
  • RF No-tune bandwidth (VHF)……………..Full band, no-tuning required.
  • Adjacent Channel Selectivity 12.5kHz….-55dB
  • Adjacent Channel Selectivity 25kHz…….-60dB
  • Alternate Channel Selectivity…………….-65dB
  • Blocking and spurious rejection…………-75dB
  • RX intermodulation rejection…………….-70dB

RV-M8 Mechanical Size Drawing

RV-M8S Technical Manual. RV-M8S_TechManual

RV-M8G GPS tracker Technical Manual:  RV-M8G_TechManual

Programming Software:

Radio Manager Radio Manager is a Windows XP/Vista/10 software application that is used to configure Raveon’s radio products. It is compatible with all Raveon models, and provides configuration management, as well as programming assistance, diagnostic information, and a helpful “band scope” feature. More…

Emission Designator structure and Emission Designator Example for 11K0F1D

Indicate the necessary emission bandwidth Modulation type Emission Designator Type of data being transmitted Optional detail


1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Necessary Bandwidth Emission Classification Symbol Necessary Bandwidth


11.0 K  (Kilohertz) .0 FM Digital, on-off or quantized, no modulation. Data transmission, telemetry, telecommand;
11 K 0 F 1 D
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