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Remote Autonomous Zone Node Automated Peripheral  RV-N55-3

Managing Irrigation with Remote Autonomous Monitoring

Remote irrigation control

Remote monitoring can help water be more efficient by measuring water in the soil and alerting when moisture falls outside the desired range.

The RV-N55-3 RAZN product is an automated peripheral to remote control your irrigation system, lights, pumps, or whatever.
The SV pins can switch out DC or AC voltage.  There is up to 8 SV pins.  This is the RAZN RV-N55-3 version! 

Automated Peripheral Kits with multiple RAZNs are available as Complete Turn Key Solutions.See the list below…

Long Range Wireless options are: narrow UHF or VHF channels, or license-free ISM band. Internal long-range wireless modems within the RAZN mesh RAZNs together.
These are a complete Autonomous Solution.    Communication: Ethernet, RS-485, USB, and many RF radio options.

A Remote Autonomous Zone Node (RAZN) was created by RAVEON.  It is an automated peripheral for controlling things in remote areas with a compact, cost-effective, package.
RAZNs work together over 1-50 miles.  It can also connect it to your network, PC, or Cloud. Very flexible inputs and outputs, and many communication options. The Ethernet interface option is great for IoT connection to remotely control all your things with it.

To meet your needs, Raveon crated an easy to use automated peripheral with our wireless data links built into it. Control solid state relays, lights, pumps, or whatever.

For pivot irrigation control, Contact us about your pivot irrigation tracking needs. We can help develop specifications for your project.

Remote Autonomous Zone Monitoring

The RAZN monitors Sensors to Monitor in remote areas to control thing. Use wireless links to monitor over long ranges.
SCADA apps can monitor and control as you want, and the RAZN can also autonomously safely control some things as you want also.
SCADA Information SCADA Here.  The RAZN is a SCDADA device expert made by RAVEON.

Humidity and moisture control

Monitor moisture in the air, in the soil, and inside the plants to remotely determine how often the plants need to be watered and how much water is required.
And the RAZN can also Autonomously control moisture the way you want.  BI and SV terminals and all are shown Click Here.

Prevent stress and overwatering

Monitoring the soil moisture helps growers learn what conditions are best for crop production.
Remotely detect plant stress before the signs are visible, which can increase growth, yields and crop quality.

Monitor for high and low temperatures

By monitoring moisture, growers can use remote monitoring systems to monitor for high and low temperatures.
Positioning sensors in growing areas, and setting minimum and maximum temperatures, can alert you to potential issues like power outages and HVAC problems before they impact plants.

Instant Notification of Threats 

Remote wireless monitoring system can detect issues such as:
unexpected temperature changes, humidity fluctuations, power outages, low CO2, unauthorized access, incorrect water pH and improper soil moisture.
The RAZN sends an instant notification via MODBUS, text message or alert outputs (lights, sirens, beepers,..) when conditions fall outside of your preset range.


RAZN RV-N55-3 Product Features

We offer more features, great performance, and a reliable product at an exceptional price.

This complete solution can remotely control things that are even miles away.
Data Sheet for RV-N55-3 automated peripheral. Terminal B: BI and Terminal A: SV

BI are Button Inputs, SV is Switch Voltage Outputs (AC or DC power switching)
Application Note:  AN258(RAZN_IOs) (pdf)  explains the Myriad of IO features the RAZN devices have.

Automated Irrigation Control

RAZN optimizes water use for agriculture, farms, campuses, and large areas. The system has a wireless network of remote controllers.
It has autonomous operation and low cost, the system has the potential to be useful in isolated areas of water-limited geographically isolated areas.

Automated Peripheral

RAZN can remotely control and monitor lights, pumps, valves, alarms, doors, AC power, DC power, relays, solid state relays, or almost whatever you would like to control.
The Programmable Logic Control (PLC) feature in the RAZN is a flexible and easy way to remotely control a peripheral.

Robust, Reliable and Protected

The IO pins have great electrostatic discharge (ESD) and over-voltage protection. DC power input is reverse and over-voltage protected.
Internal smart CPU has watchdog timer, data stored in EEPROM, and battery powered clock.
Long-range communications uses wireless instead long copper that will fail.

Remote Social Dintancing

RAZN’s Autonomous Wireless Man-Machine interface and remote controllers helps promote social distancing.
Buttons remotely control things, and LEDs and GUIs show the status of things without being near them.

Unique and Secure Systems

Every system has a unique system ID that is secure.
No other RAZN or device can communicate or control your system unless it has your unique system ID.

High Performance Interfaces

Ethernet, RS-485, USB, and many RF options.  RAZN wireless links are super long-range communication. 1/2W to 5W UHF, VHF; 50mW-1W ISM LoRa. Verify operation and quality of connection in the field from 1 to 50 miles. The RAZN can also communicate with Raveon’s data radio modems (RV-M6, RV-M8, RV-M7, RV-M9 …)

Status LEDs

The RAZN has power LED and Communication LED to show that these are working. The RAZN has LEDs to show the local status or a remote RAZN IO status.
A remote RAZN with SV outputs has LEDs to show its output status.

Real Time Clock (RTC)

The battery backed up internal RTC is accurate and keeps track of all time, milliseconds, seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, and years.
It can be used to trigger events, and also time events and stop them when the time is over.
Timer events can turn things on or off based upon any time status you prefer.

A Myriad of Ways to Use This

Point-to-Point: The two RAZNs can work together by themselves and control what you want in isolated areas.
You can use 2-200 of these RAZNs to do what you need to control in isolated areas.
We offer more features, good performance, and a reliable product at an exceptional price.
Many RAZNs have many different IO terminals. This -3 has  BI and SV terminals.  Shows SCADA Terminal Info Here  that RAZNs have.

Master Control

Use a remote master controller PC, GUI, IoT server, or MODBUS master to communicate with the RAZN and control your things in isolated areas.
Some RAZNs have sensor inputs, so sensors placed in the root zone of the plants to remotely control irrigation.

Timers and Real Time Clocks

All RAZNs have a Timer Operations Actions Alerts (TOAA) feature to use its timers to do what you want and when you want to have it done.
Button inputs can trigger timers to turn remote things on or off for specific time periods.
This automated peripheral RAZN is patented with TOAA and a myriad of features. This is a complete solution to remotely control things

To order a pair of RAZNs or any RAZN model:

Contact Raveon sales team at:

RV-N55-3 Terminal Ports

The RV-N55-3C RAZN has two terminal ports (A & B) with 8 SV terminals and 8 button input terminals.
Various version of the RV-N55-3 exclude some ports, such as the RV-N55-3A has Terminal A not Button Inputs. -3B version has Terminal B button inputs..

Technical information about the IO terminal architecture is shown on the Terminal Information page..


Pairs:  Complete Solutions of Pre-configured PAIRs of RAZNs to automatically control things.

The controller for your system can be setup in many different ways.  The easiest way is to buy is a preset pair of RAZNs we call the RV-N58-xxx.
A leader of the controller has buttons on it to control the isolated peripheral controller. The 2D has buttons on the leader, and the 2B pair’s leader has input terminals for buttons.
Use a pair of these to control irrigation, lights, pumps, alarms, or whatever you want.  On/Off ports on a RAZN can turn AC or DC power On or Off in a remote location.

RV-N58-2DB  pair

Buttons on -3H to control 3A version with Switched AC/DC voltage output.

RV-N58-2CB  pair remote buttons switch voltages a long ways away

Buttons connected into terminals on 3C control switched power outputs on 3B

Pairs with a Graphical User Interface (GUI).

A graphical display panel is included in these pairs of RAZNs. The 3U is a communication link to the remote isolated area where the 3B devices is controlling 1-8 things in the remote area.

RV-N58-3UB  pair and GUI    Raveon’s M55-E Ethernet radio connects the GUI display to the RAZN to control and monitor Terminals

Buttons and status are show on the GUI tablet.  The MODBUS messages communicate with a  RAZN both ways.
The GUI can show the remote the terminal status and it also can control outputs on a RAZN in remote zones.

This is Made in America.

Raveon designed this in California, and all RAZN technology, and the RF radios in the RAZN, are made here in America.

RAZN versions are often C, A, B.  The version is after the Device number.  This RV-N55-3  is the Device 3.

RV-N55-3A,  RV-N55-3B, RV-N55-3C  RV-N54-3A,  RV-N54-3B, RV-N54-3C are all available.

Version C (RV-N55-3C) has both Terminals.  Version A (RV-N55-3A) has one Terminal.  Version B (RV-N55-3B) has one other Terminal.
A&B versions are slightly lower cost than C version.  C has ALL terminals on it. Each terminal has 12 pins so C has 24 pins.

List  How to Setup the RAZN to remotely control an an automated peripheral

RV-N55-3A SV with MODEM

RV-N55-3A has 8 switched voltage (SV) outputs to remotely control things. (Irrigation, Lights, Pumps, Relays, Beepers, or whatever.)
Your Controller connects to a radio modem to communicate to a RAZN in a remote area.  (1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50 miles can be wirelessly linked)

Raveon’s Data Radios can be used within the RAZN for long range data communications.
Radios inside can be VHF, UHF, or License-Free ISM.

The RV-M22 is license free ISM band radio modem that is perfect for remotely controlling things using.

Raveon has an RV-M55-E Ethernet data radio also for Ethernet network connection via a wireless data radio.

RV-N55-3B & RV-N55-3C

RV-N54-3B can be controlled by a RV-N54C RAZN with 1-8 buttons input. Push a button to turn remote things on /off. And Autonomous logic and timers work in both RAZNs

The RV-N55-3A switched voltage terminal ports are turned on/off by the 3B. the Buttons on the 3B can control the 3A terminals to turn on off things like lights, valves, pumps, or whatever.
The RAZN has a timer in it to automatically do what you want, and the buttons can be setup to turn on a terminal port of the 3A of xx amount of seconds, minutes or hours.

RV-N55-3E & RV-N55-3C

The RV-N55-3B connect to a PC Controller, tablet, or server to control the RV-N54-3A terminal ports in a remote area.

The RV-N55 has an Ethernet interface on it to connect to your controller. Or it can connect to your network. The RV-N55-3 can work with SCADA software that use MODBUS messages.
The Buttons on the 3B can also be used to turn on/off the remote peripheral 3A terminal ports.

RV-N55-3E Ethernet

Raveon’s RV-M55-E Ethernet Data Radio interface can connect to your network and communicate wirelessly.
Your Controller via Ethernet will communicate to the remote RV-N55-3A to control up to 8 things.

RV-M55-E Ethernet radio connects to servers or IoT, to remote control the RAZN without buttons.
The Controller can also monitor the state of the 3A remote device to see when outputs are on or off.
Wirelessly a controller can also communicate to thousands of RAZN devices over hundreds of square miles.

RV-N55-3B & RV-N55-3C with Controller

The RV-N55-3H has buttons on top of enclosure, to remotely control the RV-N55-3A terminal ports that switch things on and off.

The Buttons on the 3H can also be used to turn on/off the remote peripheral 3A terminal ports.
8 Buttons can control any 8 SV switch voltage outputs on 1 or up to 8 RAZNs in remote areas. So a RV-N55-3H can control up to 8 different areas.

Multiple Remote Peripherals

In many different remote areas that you need to control or monitor something in,
one RAZN such as the RV-N55-3H with buttons can send control messages to remote RAZNs and monitor many other RAZNs.

As this diagram shows, those 8 buttons or 32 GUI buttons at the controller can turn on or off the ports on the RV-N55-2B Peripherals.

And when the ports on the remote peripherals change on or off, the status of them are displayed on the LEDs in the controller or the GUI if a GUI is connected to the controller.

These long-range wireless links will let you control many things in many remote areas.
The RAZN technology easily lets a controller like the RV-N55-3H control dozens or even hudreds of different remote autonomous zone nodes like the RV-N55-3b, -3C or any  other one.

This system work over very wide areas. Easy to push buttons to control many things in remote areas.

The Programmable Logic Control (PLC) feature in the RAZN is a flexible and easy way to remotely control things.
The PLCL configuration command can be used to setup input pins to do whatever you want. For example, pins can be setup to:

  • Press pin 1 to turn on output 1 on a remote RAZN.  Press pin 2 to turn on/off output 2 on/off a remote RAZN.
  • Setup a Pin to only turn OFF something. Of configure the pin to only turn ON something.
  • And pins can be configured to only turn ON, or only OFF, or turn OFF and ON, or turn ON and OFF. polarity and logic are configurable.
  • And a pin can be assigned to turn 1,2,3, or even up to 16 things On or off with that one pin.
  • And multi-pin logic can be setup, so if 1 input is on, nothing happens, but if 3 inputs go in, then one remote thing turns ON, or OFF, or whatever you want.

Remotely Monitor Many Digital Inputs   (Spot: Doors Open/Close)

This N55-3 BI Button Inputs can monitor switches on DOORs, POWER, TRIGGERS, WATER, NOISE, and SENSOR switches (Or anything else).

Connect your PC or Network to a data radio.  Raveon has Ethernet, RS-232, USB, RS-485 data radio versions.  The RV-M55-E Ethernet Data Radio is shown above.
Use radios, then you can monitor 1-1000 RAZNs that can monitor the items you need them to monitor.

The  RAZN Autonomous features also can send data messages, Modbus, or TEXT messages base on the Gig. Input status.

Many other versions have a myriad of I/O options such as voltage sensors, 4-20mA measurements, GPIO,

Telemetry and SCADA versions of the RAZN

This RAZN technology is used in many other versions of Remote Autonomous Zone Nodes.
Many other versions have a myriad of I/O options such as voltage sensors, 4-20mA measurements, GPIO,
flexible digital inputs and outputs, optically isolated inputs and switches, high-resolution ADCs, relay drivers,
optically isolated button inputs, and many other IOs. Here is a link to a list of other IO terminals.

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