License-Free means: (free without any license)
Most RF radio spectrum requires users to get a license to use the radio frequency within the spectrum. In the USA, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) controls the use of all RF spectrum in the USA.
Aquiring an FCC license to use VHF and UHF radio channels is easier now than before, because most system now utilize cellular communications instead of private.
But the FCC has allocated a lot of RF spectrum for us in America without having to apply for an FCC license. This web page describes the most popular license free spectrum available for use in America, and Raveon has a myriad of radio modems available for use on this license free spectrum. The Industrial, Scientific, and Medical (ISM) frequency band is the name for most license free bands in America.
License Free Radios
ISM Band Smart Modems for Robust Wireless Data Transmission
The Industrial, Scientific, and Medical (ISM) frequency bands are radio frequency bands as defined by ITU Radio Regulations. Frequencies include 902 to 928 MHz, 2.4 to 2.5 GHz, 5.725 to 5.875 GHz, 24.000 to 24.250 GHz, 61.0 to 61.5 GHz, and 122 to 123 GHz. The 902 to 928 MHz is the long-range band.
Raveon’s supplies Smart Modems for flexible ISM-band transceivers with a myriad of options and features. Our ISM band radio modems also incorporate LoRa wireless technology.
- Reliable and secure Data with Forward Error Correction (FEC) , bit chipping, and AES data encryption.
- Not just several hundred meters, but many miles of communications. 100sq miles in open area.
- It is a Versatile Transceiver thanks to dozens of features and configuration settings.
- These radios have proven performance, reliability, and quality that our customers expect and have come to know in all of our products.
- The LoRa radio technology is used in out ISM band radios for license free long range data radio modems.
Various ISM band models have been developed to address different applications. A summary the models are given below. Brochures and manuals are available for download that include detailed specifications. Please give us a call to discuss any of these radios.
The Data Sheet for all Products are in this Data Sheet Website.
The ISM band (Industrial, Scientific and Medical band) is part of the radio spectrum that can be used for any purpose without a license. In the U.S., it is the 902-928 MHz, 2.4 GHz and 5.7-5.8 GHz bands were initially used for machines that emitted radio frequencies, such as RF welders, industrial heaters and microwave ovens, but not for radio communications.
Several ISM (Industrial Scientific Medical) bands that can be used without a license, is used only in North and South America, and the 2.4 GHz band is used globally, but it is short-range. The 900Mhz ISM bands with LoRa technology are very long-range and low-power.
License-Free means (free without any radio frequency license)
Two way data radios have traditionally been categorized into four groupings:
1. Consumer
2. Business
3. Commercial
4. Professional.
Waterproof License Free radios are available
Waterproof Radios were Created by Raveon. We have many waterproof version, and they can also used VHF, UHF, or License free bands.
These Waterproof radios have been manufactured for customers.
Raveon’s License Free radios modems created.
Many of the radio frequencies require an FCC License to use the radio. The data radios found on this Web page, do not need an FCC license. Getting an FCC license is much easier now that it was 10 years ago. Many companies can help you get an FCC license if you want a private radio network with your own licensed frequencies. The RF communication range varies a lot between different types of radios and frequency bands. For more information about RF Propagation this: RF Propagation Webpage describes all the technologies that affect communication range.
All of Raveon’s License Free radios modems were designed here in California.
These License Free radios modems are build here in the USA.
Raveon is an OEM partner company and is happy to design and make custom versions for you.
RV-M50 ISM Band Daisy Radio
Raveon’s ISM Band radio modem
RV-M50 Daisy Radios are our smallest solution for daisy chaining your large scale operations using the license-free ISM band radio channels. This radio is perfect for tracking any number of items over as many locations as you can imagine, making it perfect for you to connect to the internet of things.
The Daisy radio is perfect for daisy chaining your system together across any and all locations. It utilizes LoRa radio technology so it’s receiver is ultra-sensitive (-129dBm) so communication range is very large, with very low transmit power. This radio modem works reliably 1-2 miles in cities, and 10-20 miles in open areas. Over-air baud rates can be set at baud rats from 1kbs to 22kbps, depending upon the range you need.
Band Options: EC: 902-928 MHz (North/South America) ED: 863-870 MHz (Europe) EF: 779-787 MHz (China)
The RV-M22 Tech Series Enclosure works with this License Free modem module, model: RV-M22S-EC.
Tech Series Enclosure
All Raveon License Free OEM Data Radio Modems can also be used within this miniature M22 Tech Series enclosure. The Tech Series design allows for interchangeable front I/O panels, so you can connect to your system in a myriad
d of differing ways. One other new feature is our more rugged power connector, designed to stay connected through even more extreme conditions. Front panned IO options are RS-232, RS-485, RS-422, USB, GPIO, and Flexible IO.
More information on the Tech Series Click Here for Tech Series info. The License Free M22 Version uses LoRa technology in 700, 800, and 915MHz bands.
There is a myriad of IO options on the front panel of this enclosure, and some are General Purpose IO (GPIO) pins. The digital IO pins are called Flexible IO (FIO) that can be set to INPUT or OUTPUT modes.
Use the Tech Series data radio modems for data communication over many miles, and the GPIO and FIO interfaces can be used to monitor things, or MIMIC things.
You can use this to MIMIC Inputs in one area to the Outputs in a different areas a long ways away and you can use this Data Modem for Remote Monitoring what you want.
This long-range wireless data radio can monitor Sensors to Monitor remotely. Raveon’s Tech Series data radios with GPIO interfaces cam utilize Sensors to Monitor. The MODBUS protocol can be used to communicate to the GPIO terminal on this enclosure.
License-Free General Purpose Tracker
Raveon utilizes our ISM band LoRa Daisy Radio or MURS Band Daisy Radio in a miniature enclosure to create a general purpose tracker.
The RV-V50 Miniature Tracker is a small, very low-power GPS/GLONASS transponder for use in the license-free ISM or cellular bands. Having the longest communication range in its class, it can locate and monitor assets such as automobiles, trucks, racers, rental equipment and more. Its built-in rechargeable battery has extremely long battery life.
MURS Band Modems (VHF) for Robust Wireless Data Transmission
Raveon’s license free MURS band radios utilize MURS VHF channels for ultra-long range data communications. Raveon’s Smart Modems are flexible transceivers with a myriad of options and features.
The FCC created MURS as an unlicensed (license free), Part 95 service, to eliminate the licensing requirement and to permit personal as well as business communications on these channels. The MURS band consists of 5 channels between 151.82 and 154.6 MHz with a maximum transmitted power of 2W. MURS radios can be supplied in mobile, handheld and base station configurations, and may be used for voice and/or data applications.
MURS Technology Description
The Multi-Use Radio Service (MURS) uses 5 channels in the 151MHz – 154 MHz spectrum. MURS channels is for two-way communications using small low-power (<2W) radios.Narrow bandwidth transmissions (maximum 11.25 kHz channel bandwidth, with +/- 2.5 kHz deviation) are permitted on all five MURS channels. 5kHz TX deviation signals, maximum 20 kHz bandwidth, are also permitted (but not required) on the two upper channels.
Permissible Communications
MURS radios may transmit voice or data signals (47 CFR 95.1307)
Channel Use
No license is required for this service and an entity is authorized to operate a MURS transmitter if it is not a representative of a foreign government, and if it cooperates in the selection and use of channels in order to reduce interference to others (47 CFR 95.1301) and (47 CFR 95.1309).
151.820 MHz (11.25 KHz bandwidth)
151.880 MHz (11.25 KHz bandwidth)
151.940 MHz (11.25 KHz bandwidth)
154.570 MHz (20 KHz bandwidth)
154.600 MHz (20 KHz bandwidth)
There are operating restrictions. See the FCC website for this information. Raveon’s Application AN115 MURS usage describes the MURS restrictions the way we see them.
Raveon Wireless Modems are Reliable and Secure.
Features and functions are withing the smart ARM CPU inside the modem. Software is completely protected. No remote access to software, and no traditional operating.
Raveon created hardware and software in all radio modems, and no common Operating System (OS) is used, so no common software can be put in the radio. Hackers can load their software!
The over-air data communication protocol is unique and reliable. Bad data does not every come out of the radio. AES encryption over-air can be turned on so other Raveon modems cannot talk to your Raveon modems.
Raveon’s RV-M6 MURS band Daisy Radios are our smallest ultra-low-cost wireless solution for daisy chaining all your large scale operations using narrow-band VHF or UHF radio channels. This radio is perfect for tracking any number of items over as many locations as you can imagine, making it perfect for you to connect to the internet of things. The Daisy radio is our smallest model yet, making it perfect for daisy chaining your system together across any and all locations. It also integrates flawlessly with your current Raveon M7, or M8 systems, so using it to improve your current solutions or expand operations is quick and easy.
Our Daisy modems are used within the M22 Tech Series enclosure. The Tech Series unique design allows for interchangeable front I/O panels, so you can connect to your system in a myriad of differing ways. One other new feature is our more rugged power connector, designed to stay connected through even more extreme conditions. IO options are RS-232, RS-485, RS-422, USB, GPIO, and Flexible IO.
MURS Radio Modems
The RV-M22S-VM is a reliable long-range data radio modem in a flexible RF enclosure with a myriad of IO options.
The RV-M22S-VM radio modem utilized Raveon’s Tech Series enclosure with a myriad of IO options and SCADA features. It is FCC certified for use in the MURS radio channels. 2 watts RF output.
IO Options: RS-232, RS485, RS-422, GPIO, FIO, USB
For SCADA and Remote Terminal Units, the GPIO option saves you money because this GPIO Interface can process MODBUS commands and control remote things and read digital, analog, and voltages.