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What is FM Modulation and FSK Modulation?

Direct digital FSK modulation is supported in all of our radios.  

FM modulation can be 2-Level(2L) or 4-Level(4L).   4L is faster that 2L, 4L is two-times faster.

Some of our radios can do 4L frequency modulation.  But, 4L communication is 2 times faster and 2-areas shorter distance.

Raveon’s long-range data radios are long range using 2L FM.  Our M8 radio is lower power and 2L or 4L modes.

FSK modulation is changing the output frequency by changing the FM value.  

2L format outputs a bit 0 or 1 in each FM of the transmitted frequency.
4L format outputs 2 bits (01, 00, 10, 11) in each FM transmission with 4 different modulation levels.

Larry Top

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