Raveon’s Data Radio Transceivers increases data throughput in narrow-band wireless systems. High-speed over the air data (up to 19.2K) and 3mS T-R switching speed, make it an excellent choice for SCADA and telemetry, especially in polled systems. Included in each unit, are advanced networking, error correction, and diagnostics. It may be ordered with an IP65 weatherproof enclosure. And because it is the only radio modem built using rugged “single-board” construction, it is extremely tough – and cost effective. M7 is the most powerful, most economical telemetry and SCADA radio available.
No longer is there a trade-off between the reliability and range of a licensed narrow-band telemetry radio, and the convenience of a license-free ISM radio. The RV-M6-VM OEM modular transceiver is a VHF narrow-band data radio operating on the license-free MURS channels. With a fantastic sensitivity of –120dBm and 2 watts of RF power out, the RV-M6-M is a great choice for SCADA, wireless security, and telemetry systems — And it sells for half the price of most UHF narrow-band radios. The RV-M6 is available in the Tech Series Enclosures.
Features for Remote Monitoring and Remote Control
These features are available in Raveon’s complete line of Wireless Modems. Digitize manual and automated processes with wireless SCADA across your entire utility
Long Range Communication. Data radio modems can reliably communicate over hundreds of square miles. No cellular service is needed and no network connection are required. Connect a computer to a modem and communicate anywhere in the world over huge areas.
High-speed over the air data rates. 19200bps in 25kHz channel, 9600bps in 12.5kHz.
Remote status monitoring including DC voltage, packet error statistics, modem “up time”, general purpose IO, and receiver signal strength.
Easy to use. Plug-in, Turn-on, and GO. Transmit data in = Receive data out. Build in Encryption.
Remote “PING” From any modem, a user may send a “PING” to any other modem to find out the link signal strength. This allows quick diagnostics, easy antenna alignment, and reduced site visits.
Lowest current draw in industry. Raveon wireless modems draw less than 110mA when fully operational, and some are less than 70mA.
Wide input voltage with high-efficiency switching voltage regulator. Most work over 10-28V DC.
Sore-and-Forward Repeating. Most radio modems can be setup to repeat messages, so they can extend the communication range of all devices on the network.
Small size. Extruded aluminum enclosure is small, and very rugged.
16 bit addressing for up to 65,525 different unique device addresses per channel. Radio channels may be shared with no interference between users.
Supports group and broadcast transmissions. Network mask allows groups of any size.
Easily to configure. FireLine modems are configured using “AT” commands through the modem’s serial port. The same way all telcom/hayes type modems operate. There is no need for a separate serial link to the modem to configure or manage it.
RS-232 serial input and output. Programmable serial baud rates up to 115000 make the modems compatible with most every PLC, PC, and HMI device made. The Tech Series enclosures have USB, RS485, GPIO, RS422, and a myriad of other IO options.
Programmable over-the-air data rates. You can choose how your system will work. Set the OTA data slower for extended communication range, or set it fast for lowest latency. Your choice.
Data Encryption. Most all Raveon data radio modems have AES128 data encryption and decryption security features to secure your data if you want to enable this feature.
To Explain Environmental Monitoring, application note AN251_Enviromental_Monitoring (pdf) describes Sensor Environmental Monitoring with a RTU.
Application Note: AN236_Thermotypes (pdf) explains how to remotely monitor Thermocouple Sensors. They can be monitored many miles away with RAZN wireless technology.
Tech Series Radios connected to Sensors to Monitor and the can be queried. A pair can MIMIC a sensor’s 4-20mA input wirelessly long-range to Raveon’s Tech Series radio with a Current Loop Output (CLO).
The CLO will remotely output the 4-20mA signal read from a sensor.
Save Money for Remote Monitors and Remote Controls.
Raveon’s Tech Series Data Radio Modems have interface options built-into the product so you can save money by not having to always buy Remote Terminal Units (RTUs)
The RV-M21 and RV-M22 Tech series radio modems (21 are 5W, 22 are miniature 2W) have many Input and Output (IO) features. The GPIO Tech Series has 3 general purpose IO pins on them that can be configured for analog inputs, digital inputs, relay switches, or switched DC outputs.
The Tech Series FIO interface option has 8 Flexible IO pins on it, that can be configured for digital inputs or digital outputs.
The GPIO and FIO interfaces can be read and controlled with simple over-the-air commands to read or set their values. Rvaeon’s modems have commands for all SCADA functions. The products also support the MODBUS RTU protocol, so you can ue MODBUS messaging to send and receive messages. An Auto-Report feature is available to have the modems automatically report status or alerts.
The RV-M21S-VC is FCC approved for use in 220Mhz band. Ultra rugged MIL SPEC version are also availble.
Outside Get Great Information (OGGI) with the RV-M25 Waterproof Radio.
The RV-M25 does: Outside to Get General Info (OGGI). It is for long-time Battery life and can be used in wet areas because it has a IP67 waterproof enclosure.
The M25 OGGI has waterproof IO interface connectors on the bottom of the enclosure shown here, to monitor sensors Outside.
The Battery inside the OGGI can last for many Years!
There are many IO options for reading sensors and/or controlling external devices.
Read 4-20mA, voltage, or digital inputs.
Control relays, lights, pumps, valves, or whatever.
Raveon has created many data radios for reliable wireless solution. In 2022 this OGGI version was created and produced in Raveon’s production factory.
The message transmitted can be configured in many different ways. Text or MODBUS are the popular version and Raveon can add any other message format you need.
The rates of Message Transmit are configurable. Once a day, twice a day, Once every Hour, or twice an hour are easy to setup.
Network Connectivity
To connect your Raveon modems to your network, there are many ways and options to do this: Ethernet cables. RS232 Serial port wires, USB connections, RS-422/RS-485 serial connections, LoRa long range wireless, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, Cellular modems, and many other ways.
Wired Connections to your Slave Devices
- Wire it directly to your Server/Controller using RS232 or USB.
- Use a terminal server to convert an Ethernet interface to RS232,RS485, or RS422.
- Utilize a Commercial Gateway to interface your network to a wireless Network.
- Utilize Raveon’s Cigorn Gateway to interface and route the data from your network, controllers, and servers to the base stations and remote devices.
- Most Slave’s utilize wires, but even wireless modems can be used to wirelessly pass wired data over the the Slave.
In remote areas, where you want your Master Controller to connect to one Master Terminal Unit (MTU) and have the MTU forward data on to other
Simple Wireless Links
- Raveon’s long-range wireless modems can pass your serial port data to your Slave devices in remote areas.
- Connect your Master Controller to a radio modem like the RV-M21 and it will pass the data to another radio modem, and the exact same data will come out to the Slave Device.
- If you want, enable encryption in the Raveon data radios, for secure communications.
- The RV-M21 Has a myriad of IO options, so your Slave can connect with USB, RS-422, RS-485, or RF-232.
- And the RV-M21 GPIO interface can be a complete Slave device also.
Remote Terminal Units (RTU) .
Raveon’s Remote Zone Node(RZN) can be an MTU or and RTU, and has the MODBUS technology in it to route messages and control and monitor remote devices.
- A Master Terminal Unit can talk to many other Remote Terminal Units.
- Normal wired MODBUS systems support up to 247 slave devices.
- Raveon’s data radio modems use 16bit ID codes. If you utilize Raveon’s data radio modems, you can communicate to 65000 different slaves or more.
- The MTU Remote Zone Node will pass along data to other slaves, if the message is not for that particular RZN.
- You can connect dozens of RZN Slave Devices together with RS-422 cable connections.
- If you go wireless, you can communicate with thousands of Slaves using the RZN as a MTU.
Save Money using General Purpose IO Radios
Instead of having to buy an RTU to monitor things or turn lights and pumps on or off, just utilize the Raveon Tech Series Radios with GPIO.
The GPIO (General Purpose IO) interface is built into the Tech Series radio modem, so you don’t have to spend extra money to buy a slave device.
The GPIO Tech Series interface can measure voltages, temperature, or output switched DC power, or output an Open Drain ground signal. Use it for whatever you need and this one Smart Radio Modem can do the whole job. And these radios with GPIO pins can work over 100 square miles.
The Tech Series GPIO radio modems also support MODBUS communication protocol to manage the GPIO interface on the modem. The Tech Series GPIO has three(3) General Purpose IO pins on it. Raveon also makes a Flexible Digital IO version with 8 FIO pins on it.
Large Wireless SCADA and Telemetry Systems
When you want to cover a city, state, or country, use a Commercial Gateway to send data to many base stations and MTUs.
- The Cigorn Commercial Gateway can route your data to any part of your network or wireless system.
- You can use multiple Master Controllers, and thousands of RTUs.
- The Gateway connects to your private network or to the Cloud and routs outbound messages to the correct base stations or correct MTU, to ensure the data gets to the correct slave.
- When Slaves respond, the data come pack into the gateway, and the Cigorn Gateway will route the data as you want it to.
- It can send the data to one or multiple Master Controllers. It can even duplicate the data, and send one message to multiple Master Controllers.
- The Slave devices can be connected to Radio Modems, wired to an MTU or RZN,
- Raveon’s RV-M21 GPIO radios can be the wireelss Slave itself.
- The Remote Zone Node (RZN) can be your wired Slave to control dozens of light, bumps, valves, or measure dozens of sensors.
- The Remote Zone Node (RZN) can also be your wireless Slave. It also Meshes with many other RZNs so if you need lots of Slaves in remote areas, the RZN is efficient, low-cost, and secure, With Ethernet, wireless, and RS485 interfaces. And many protocols such as MODBUS.
Auto Send Status and Mimic Status with a radio modem.
Raveon’s data radio products all have a “MIMIC” mode option that can be enabled to have one radio’s digital outputs mimic another radios digital inputs.
The MASTER radio modem reads its input pins and transmits them as often as you want. It can send serial data over the air and just auto-send input status.
The SLAVE radio modem receives the transmission from the MASTER, and outputs the MASTER’s input data via its output pins.
Our AES encryption and 16-bit ID addressing makes this secure and flexible. For more information see Application Note AN166.
To remotely monitor a sensor and remotely output the sensor’s 4-20mA signal, Raveon has data radios to Mimic the sensor’s output over long distances.
The CLO Tech Series data radio modem can be configured into the MIMIC mode. MIMIC mode lets two data radios mimic each other.
One is a Master, with inputs that are sent over the air to the Slave. The Slave outputs the 4-20mA current value that was sends from the Master.
MIMIC as a great way to remotely monitor as sensor over a long distance (up to many miles). Using this wireless data connection being MIMICed is easy to remotely monitor. The Master Tech Series data radio with the GPIO interface can get the 4-20mA output from a Sensors to Monitor.
The Master radio will mimic this 4-20mA current over to the Tech Series data radio modem with the Current Look Output radio (CLO) interface front panel which outputs that same 4-20mA signal.
This 4-20mA SCADA feature within Raveon’s wireless modems have many features and advantages for reliable long-range wireless links.
Cigorn Commercial Gateway
For large networks or networks that need unique data routing, Raveon has an open-source Linux Cigorn Gateway.
The Cigorn Gateway is a configurable router that can route messages to and from any number of remote devices. And the data can come from and be returned to any number of servers and Master Controllers. Cigorn can be setup to route the same Data to multiple devices and back to multiple serves. The powerful multi-routing features makes monitoring many remote devices simultaneously by many servers very easy to d, where in most systems, only one server can monitor each device. Cigorn’s router is very flexible.
You can assign an IP address and Port number to every device on your wireless network. All radio modems and SCADA devices connected with Raveon’s data radio modems can be accessed using Ethernet terminal servers or clients.
CIGORN supports many SCADA and Telemetry protocols, such as MODBUS, DNP3, and IEC 60870. Internally, there is a protocol translator, and a router that can direct messages based on the ID of the Remote Terminal Unit.
Remote Autonomous Zone Nodes
Raveon’s Remote Autonomous Zone Node (RAZN) technology has a myriad of terminal IO pin options managed by the smart ARM CPU withing the RAZN and many communication options. Long range RF modeds are available within the RAZN so it can work wirelessly over many miles.
Applications for the RAZN
- Security Alarm System applications;
- Oil and gas pipelines;
- Pumping Stations, Tanks, Oil or Water levels;
- Lighting control with remote access, local switches, and timers;
- Irrigation control with remote access, local switches, water monitors, and timers.
- Weather Stations;
- Supervising and monitoring alarm systems;
- Autonomous Data Acquisition;
- Vending Machines security protection;
- Monitoring Buildings and Real Estate;
- River Monitoring and Flood Control;
- Automatic monitoring system;
- Automation System, Machine – to Machine
- Corrosion protection;
- Traffic monitoring and control;
- Temperatures, water leakage applications;
- Wellheads, boat, vehicle;
- Energy saving, street lights control system;
- Valve controls;
- Transformer stations;
- Unmanned machine rooms;
- Base Transceiver Monitoring;
- Here is the Website that shows all RF Bands: RF FM Modulation Data Radios